See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

Clearing my throat, I force myself away from her.

The dean kind of said she had to come but we backed him up, because everyone comes to the winter dance. Since Thanksgiving break Chris has been hanging full time with us. Guys have noticed the change in her, the fact she doesn’t lag quite so far behind in PE, the slight confidence in her gait. Even Ivan hasn’t come near her.

If she didn’t come with us tonight, people would want to know why. And when it comes to Chris Lorden, the less questions the better.

Besides, it means we’re in the same room and I can keep an eye on her.

Problem is, if I keep too close an eye then I might end up giving myself away. She looks sexy in a guy’s suit. I don’t know how it’s possible but she makes it work. It probably isn’t helping that I can easily picture everything underneath that clothing and it’s a total turn-on. I want to kiss her any chance I can get.

But not tonight.

Tonight I have to be the Trey all the girls remember, the guy who flirts, laughs and has only one thing on his mind.

I glance over my shoulder and spot Chris hovering near the drinks table.

She grabs a can of Sprite and opens it, drinking deeply before shuffling to the edge of the room.

Ivan’s watching her. I catch him out of the corner of my eye, studying her every move. Since he returned from Thanksgiving break, he hasn’t laid a finger on her. Instead he’s torturing her with constant glares and silent threats that are damn unnerving.

I want to pummel him for it, but I can’t risk that third strike.

Chris needs me at this school, so I’ll keep my fists to myself and play along.

“Hey, Trey,” a silky voice forces my attention away from Chris.

“Oh, hey, Sophia. How’s it going?”

“Good.” Her smile is coy…inviting.

I don’t shift away when she rests her hand on my arm. I have to stay put, pretend like I want this.

“Wanna dance?”

“Sure.” I force a smile and let her pull me onto the floor. Her long brown locks tickle my fingers when she tips her head back to look at me.

She thinks she’s sexy and cute.

Usually, she would be.

But I’m not in a “usually” place right now.

Whatever Chris and I shared over Thanksgiving only made me realize how much cooler she is than every other girl on this planet. The way she looks at me, the way she tells me I’m strong…that I’m a leader.

Sophia curls her arms around my neck and presses her body against mine. She starts playing with the back of my hair. I hold her waist and we sway to the music.

“You look good tonight,” she whispers, leaning in, looking for a kiss.

“Thanks,” I murmur.

She smells good. Like strawberries.

Her lips are pink and glossy. They’re doing that pouty thing that’s supposed to turn me on.

My body is asking what my problem is, but my mind’s with Chris. Over the past few weeks, I’ve gotten to know her lips pretty damn well. They’re already familiar, and I’m not sure anyone else can compare.

Sophia’s bright eyes glint as she rises on her toes, her tongue peeking out between her teeth.

If I pull away now, she’s going to make a scene.

If I tell her I have a girlfriend, she’ll want to know details. I can probably spin a lie, but everyone at this school knows I’m not a girlfriend kind of guy.

I have to go with this.

I won’t sneak her out back. I’ll just give her a little sugar on the dance floor and then be done with it.

Chris will understand.

It’s all for show.

Sophia closes the space between us, squeezing the back of my neck and diving in. The old Trey would respond with fervor. The winter formal and prom are basically the only times of the year we can get away with kissing the girls. We have to be in the hall and our hands have to stay on the waist, but teachers tend to look the other way as long as the making out doesn’t get too heavy.

Sophia’s tongue pushes into my mouth, feeling foreign and unwelcome.

But I have a role to play right now.

To keep Chris safe.

So against my better judgment, I wrap my arms around the brunette and pretend like I’m enjoying it.


Winter Dance Torment


Okay, so I’m officially hating Trey right now.

What the hell is he doing?

I want to storm across the dance floor and slap him in the face, but I can’t because I’m supposed to be a stupid-ass guy who couldn’t care less who his friends make out with.

Taking another swig of Sprite, I try to calm the rage within, but my eyes keep flicking back to Trey and Little Miss Big Boobs. My stomach coils into a knot, tight and choking.

I scan the room for some kind of distraction, but Kade’s surrounded by a gaggle of giggling airheads and Riley’s locking lips with a blonde, his cheeks as red as raspberry sauce on a sundae.

With a huff, I spin away and find myself scowling at Ivan.

Jordan Ford's books