See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

“Great. So I’m the one who gets punished for you being an idiot.” Riley laughs, then lifts his hand when Kade fires a dirty sock across the room.

“What’s your story?” I ask the blond before Kade turns his nearby laundry basket into an armory.

Riley’s gaze flicks to mine. I catch the flash of pure white agony before he looks to the floor and mumbles, “Died. Murdered. Killer got away.”

The air in the room turns cold and stony. I glance at Trey, who gives me a sad smile. “That’s why he’s all about the justice,” he whispers.

I swallow, thinking of Robbie and my uncle. “I’m sorry,” I choke out, emotions clogging my throat.

“Doesn’t matter.” Riley shrugs again. “Their healthy trust fund got me out of the children’s home and now I’ve found myself a new family.” He glances between Trey and Kade and they share a meaningful look. There’s obviously more to his story than anyone’s willing to say, but I’m hardly in a position to push for information.

I force a grin and look between them. As I capture the strength of their bond, my smile turns genuine. “So, family for life then, huh?”

“No arguments here.” Trey takes a swig of his Coke.

“So, what’s the plan after you graduate? You going to move in together?”

Riley grins. “We’re all applying to the same colleges.”

Kade belches, then raises his hands in the air. “Most definitely! Wherever we end up, we have to be together. It’s gonna be party time with my bros!”

I roll my eyes and look to Trey, who hasn’t started celebrating yet. He’s staring at me with that intense gaze of his. His blue-green eyes are etched with sadness and I know what he’s thinking.

I turn away from him, not wanting to admit how big the feels are right now.

If my life wasn’t so screwed up, I could go with them…maybe become Trey’s college sweetheart.

But that’s not going to happen, is it?

Because my life is one hot mess and pretty soon Rybeck’s gonna come and get me. I’ll testify against the devil, betray my family and then I’ll disappear all over again.

No brotherhood.

No Trey.


Wolf Pack


I glide across the ice, curving around to catch another glimpse of Chris. Looking at her is kind of addictive and I’ve given up trying to be subtle about it. That attraction I’ve been fighting since meeting her…well, now that I don’t have to resist it anymore…it’s becoming something bigger.

I love spending time with her.

She’s got guts, determination, a quick tongue. I love how feisty she is, the way her eyes spark when she argues with me, the deadpan stares she gives Kade when he’s being an idiot, the emotion in her eyes when Riley told her about his family.

She’s more than just a pretty face.

Kade slams me from behind, knocking me off my feet as he rushes past with the puck.

“Keep your goo-goo eyes on the ice, dude!” He laughs over his shoulder and heads for the goal. Riley skates ahead to defend, spinning around and preparing to play goalie.

I jump up and skate after Kade, pumping my arms and reaching him just as he’s about to shoot. I steal the puck but he’s after me in a second, slamming me into the glass. We jostle and laugh just before our fight turns to anger.

Kade gets the puck but I steal it back before he reaches the goal. Taking it behind the net, I swing back around and flick it between Riley’s skates.

“Yes!” I pump my arm in the air and skate away with a whoop.

Chris claps and cheers for me, unleashing a little girly while we’re hidden away in the hockey rink. Damn, she’s got a great smile.

Riley thumps the post with his stick and skates to the edge of the rink. “I’m done.” Pulling off his helmet, he wipes the sweaty hair off his forehead before reaching for his water.

He slugs it back so fast it drips down his chin.

“Aw, come on, Ry,” I goad him.

Riley recaps his bottle with a laugh. “Forget it, man. I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m cold. All I want is a hot shower and some eats.”

“Sounds good to me.” Kade skates for the gate, pulling off his helmet and shaking out his shaggy hair. It’s getting long. School’s going to make him cut it soon. He’s gonna love that—not. He probably thinks long hair makes him sexy. Anything to get the girls, right?

Chris grins at his eyebrow wiggle.

I frown.

He sits next to her and starts unstrapping his skates. “Now, I’m about to go get naked in the shower, so you just keep your pretty ass right here or Trey might get jealous.”

She rolls her eyes and I skate for the edge of the rink.

“Look, I know you’re tempted, but you need to show a little self-control.” He winks and her pitiful frown turns into a giggle.

“Would you shut the hell up and go shower,” I snap, gripping the wall and glaring at him.

Kade laughs and saunters off, Riley following in his wake.

Chris turns her smile on me and it’s impossible to stay mad. She’s beautiful. I want to memorize everything about her face.

Jordan Ford's books