See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

Everyone’s due back today. Cars have already started arriving, dropping off reluctant boys who’d rather be at home than returning to school for another three weeks of study before Christmas. I gaze out the windows, rubbing my arms as I subconsciously wait for Ivan to arrive.

Kickboxing moves flit through the back of my mind. I wonder if I’ll have the courage to use any of them. Ivan told me this wasn’t over. The guys have promised to keep an eye on me but they can’t be everywhere…and I don’t want any of them getting a final strike. Ivan’s a battle I need to fight on my own.

As are all the battles I’m facing.

The thought numbs me. Depresses me. I shuffle back to my room, cold and lonely.

I did kitchen duty on my own this morning. The guys didn’t even come down to breakfast. When I pressed my ear against the wall, all I could hear was Kade’s snoring. I envied them. We’d stayed up way too late the night before, locked in an intense battle of Madden. Trey and I beat Kade and Riley in the end. The guys were not impressed, especially when Trey and I celebrated with a sizzling kiss that had them throwing pillows at our heads.

The sweet memory makes me grin but reality quickly kicks its ass. I’m on limited time now. Every day that ticks by is one day closer to pre-trial. Rybeck was confident it’d be before Christmas. That’s three weeks away.

My throat constricts. The blood in my veins feels thick and sluggish.

I shouldn’t want to stay in this hellhole. But I do.

Because of Trey…and his wolf pack.

With a heavy sigh, I step into my room, stopping short when I notice Riley sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Oh, hey.” He stands straight, a twitchy smile on his lips.

I close the door and raise my hands with a grin. “It’s okay, you’re safe. No flashlight, see?”

He snickers and runs a hand through his thick blond hair. “I, uh…” He puffs out his cheeks, then nods as if he’s trying to tell himself that he does in fact want to spit out whatever he’s thinking. “I was wondering if you could do me a favor.”

My forehead wrinkles. “O-kay.”

“I have a phone.” He holds it up, waggling it back and forth.

My eyebrows rise. “Good for you.”

He snickers and shakes his head. “I want you to memorize the number. It’s five-one, five-two, five-three, five-four, five-five.”

He says it so fast it takes me a minute to picture it in my head. The numbers flash through my brain and I make a face. “Really? That’s the weirdest number I’ve ever heard.”

“It had to be easy enough for Kade to memorize.”

I laugh at Riley’s short explanation.

He grins, then steps a little closer to me. “Now, come on, learn it.”

I roll my eyes. “Why do you want me to me do this?”

“So you can call us.” Riley’s gaze fills with meaning. “Anytime. No matter where you are.”

I go still.

“Riley,” I whisper. “I’m supposed to start over. No ties to my past.”

“I know,” he mumbles. “But…” He sighs. “Trey’s being sliced in half over this. I mean, the guy really cares about you…like a lot. We’ve never seen him like this before. So, maybe after the trial, when you feel safe again, you could…you know…”

Riley’s jacket rustles when he shrugs.

I swallow. “This person I’m testifying against. He’s got connections. He could still reach me from prison. It wouldn’t be safe.”

His lips pull into a sad frown. I have to close my eyes, unable to look at him. That puppy dog expression’s going to undo me in a second.

I sigh. “Does he know you’re doing this?”

“It was Kade’s idea. Trey doesn’t have a clue.” He shakes his head. “Look, I…” Puffing out a breath, Riley runs his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know all the details of what’s happening to you right now. Maybe the danger factor is too high. But come on, I saw you two on the ice yesterday. It was like a big feels overload. Trey’s not the kind of guy who can just turn his back on that. And I don’t think you can either.”

I blink, trying to take the sting out of my eyes. My forehead wrinkles as I sniff and press my lips together. Finally my head starts to bob and I choke out my question. “What’s the number again?”

“Five-one, five-two, five-three, five-four, five-five.”

“How did you even get that?”

“Don’t ask.” He winks. “You think you can remember it?”

I nod. “I got it.”

Holding my gaze, he takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. “You promise to call…once it’s safe?”

“I don’t know if it’s ever gonna be safe.” My face crumples as I fight the tears that want to take me down.

Riley’s pale eyes fill with compassion. “Don’t forget about us, okay?”

Jordan Ford's books