See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

I smile. “How could I possibly?”

His smile is sweet as he wraps his arms around me. “What you’re doing…it’s amazing. You should know that. If my—” He squeezes me a little tighter, then lets out a short sigh. “Witnesses can be instrumental in solving cases.” Pulling back, he holds my shoulders and gives me an earnest smile, but not before flashing me a look of pain. He’s thinking about his dead parents right now. His voice is thick and husky when he speaks. “You’re fighting for justice. There’s no greater fight than that.”

It’s hard to talk. The emotions swirling around us are like a thick fog, but I manage to choke out a small, “Thanks, Ry.”

He gives me a good-natured slap on the shoulder, trying to break the cloudy spell, then turns and heads out of my room. The door clicks shut and I’m left alone with a ten-digit number and a promise that I should ignore.

I’m not going to be able to.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I pace to the window, gazing out at the blue sky, unable to move or think straight.

The thought of seeing Trey after this is over gives me wings, but then I think of Robbie’s twitching foot, his sudden elimination, and I’m plummeting for the earth. Watching Robbie dying was hard enough, but Trey… He’s a whole new level, and I don’t think I could handle his murder.

The clomp of shoes on wooden floors grabs my attention. I stiffen, my shoulders pinging back when knuckles rap on my door.

“Mr. Lorden?” a stern voice calls.

I roll my eyes, tempted to reply, “Dean Cockhead?”

I manage to resist the urge. The thought makes me snicker though and I open the door with a smirk.

His severe face catches my expression. His forever frown deepens. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, sir. I’m just pleased to see you back.”

His eyebrow peaks and he mumbles, “Yeah, right,” before getting down to business. “Ms. Beasley was impressed with your effort over the break and Mr. Adler had no complaints either. You are now off in-house suspension and are welcome to attend the winter dance next weekend.”

“The…winter dance?”

“Yes.” He nods. “A time for boys and girls to mingle together. The young ladies from Williams Academy will be attending this year.” He pauses to study my reluctant expression. His bushy eyebrows knit. “It’s the expectation that every student attend, Mr. Lorden. Since you are no longer grounded, I suggest you get excited.”

I swallow, my lips quivering as I try to force a smile. “Sounds great,” I croak.

“Right.” He nods, obviously not believing me. “Good. Okay. Carry on.”

And with that, he spins on his heel and clips next door to check on the wolf pack. Closing the door, I slump against the wood and close my eyes.

I’ve just spent a week training how to be a guy. I shouldn’t be worried about some stupid winter dance.

But how the hell am I going to fool a bunch of girls?


It’s Time to Play Pretend


The hall’s been done up with see-through fabric and fairy lights. The girls from Williams Academy spent all afternoon making the space pretty. Plenty of guys stood around ogling them as they prepared for the winter dance. It happens every year—the second Friday of December. It’s tradition for the girls to come and pretty up the place. Apparently the guys doing nothing but putting on some music wasn’t enough for them, so ten years ago the girls arrived early and decorated the hall the way they wanted it…and they’ve done it every year since.

I’d usually be strutting across the grounds, buzzed with the idea of spending my night making out with some hot chick. We’d sneak out back where she’d let me touch her boobs and I’d make her feel like the only person on the planet for a little while.

Weird thing is, I don’t actually care about doing that tonight.

The only girl I actually want to touch is standing in a suit beside me. I glance down and notice her grimace, so I nudge her with my elbow. “It’s gonna be okay.”

“Stop saying crazy shit to me,” she bites back.

Damn, I love that tongue. It should drive me nuts that she’s always got a comeback to everything I say, but there’s something about our banter that stirs me, ignites me…makes me want to spend every waking minute with her.

“I can’t believe I have to come to this stupid thing.” She looks between me and the guys. “You’re all morons.”

“Would you stop?” Kade lifts his chin. “You’re killing my buzz.”

“You’re not buzzed.”

He grins at her. “I’m drunk on happiness, baby. I’m about to get me some, and I don’t want you shitting all over it with your grumpy-ass attitude. Now stand up straight and start acting horny.”

Chris growls in her throat while Kade struts into the room. As predicted, the girls come flocking and he’s soon flirting up a storm. A few hungry gazes fire my way and I can’t help feeling the heat of Chris’s glare beside me.

Jordan Ford's books