See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

His eyes narrow, a slow smirk pulling at his lips.

I shift away, turning around and trying to walk casual as I move through the crowd. One girl notices me, her shy smile lighting up when our gazes cross.

Ew! Is she flirting with me?

She bites her lower lip and pulls off the standard chin-dip/coy-smile routine I’ve implemented numerous times to score me some attention.

I swallow and do a one-eighty.

I’m face-to-face with the drinks table again…and Dean Hancock.

“Not one for dancing, Mr. Lorden?”

Forcing a tight smile, I shuffle away without answering.

This night could not get any worse.

Trey’s making out with another girl!

I’m wearing a suit that makes me feel like an ugly idiot.

I want to be across the floor, encased in Trey’s arms, swaying to the music. I want to be a girl again. I want to be Ana, the flirtatious hottie guys used to line up to dance with. But that’s a pipe dream. I’m never going to be able to claim Trey as mine. We might make out in secret and act like a couple in our rooms, but he can never be my boyfriend. Not here…and most likely not in the future.

Even if I do have Riley’s number, will I ever realistically be able to dial it?

Trey has every right to play tongue twister with Big Boobs. He should move on.

Just…damn that he makes my heart hurt so bad!

I shouldn’t let myself feel anything for him. Soon Rybeck’s gonna take me into the center of my nightmare. I’ll be facing off with the devil, and then my life will change all over again.

I’ll never see Trey go to college, figure out what he wants to do with his life. He’ll probably find some cute little thing to marry and eventually have some kids. He’ll become a high-flying businessman. The brotherhood will get together every Fourth of July and vacation in the summer with their families.

And I won’t be there.

I’ll be walking the streets alone while constantly looking over my shoulder, worried about retribution from one of my family’s minions…or the Candellas.

I shudder and press my back against the wall, fighting an intense sting of tears.

I’m not going to cry right now.

Boys don’t cry.

Clenching my jaw, I force my gaze away from the get it on dance floor and once again am locking gazes with Ivan. A chill prickles my skin. It’s weird that he hasn’t approached me since returning from Thanksgiving break. Every day I’m waiting for him to pounce. His dark looks are unsettling.

I sidestep and hide behind a group of girls who are gossiping together.

“He’s so hot.”

“So, go ask him to dance.”

“No way. Like he’d ever want to.”

“Come on, Megs, you can do it.”

Her cheeks flame red and she glances over her shoulder, spotting me listening in on the conversation.

I clear my throat and scratch the back of my neck, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

“Do you want to dance?” she asks, sizing me in a way that screams, ‘I’m too scared to go after the guy I want but your scrawny ass will do.’

“No, thanks,” I mutter, no doubt killing her confidence as I make a beeline for the door.

I can’t do this anymore.

Between being flirted with, settled for, cheated on (sort of, not really, but it feels like it!) and glared at, I’m done.

Ivan can stick it.

I’m not letting him intimidate me anymore tonight.

With a huff, I slip out the door and head into the quiet corridor, relief flooding through me the farther I get from the dance.


The Most Important Person In The Room


Sophia finally pulls back for air. Thank God. It’s like she was trying to suction my lips off. I press them together and force a closed-mouth smile, wondering how much longer the song has to go. As soon as it’s over, I’m heading to the drinks table to subtly check on Chris.

Glancing over my shoulder, I do a double-take when I notice she’s no longer there. Spinning Sophia around, I angle us to face different directions around the room as I hunt for the one I really want.

She’s not there.

My chest restricts and I shift to Kade and his groupies.

“You seen Chris?” I yell over their heads.

Kade gives me a shrug like he doesn’t care.

“Who’s Chris?” Sophia asks.

I ignore her and turn to Riley, but he’s otherwise occupied. I doubt he saw anything.

Clearing my throat, I glance down at Sophia when she repeats her question.

“Oh, he’s uh…a new guy. Just trying to look out for him.”

“Awwww, that’s so sweet.” She tips her head, her eyes gooey with affection.

I’m not interested.

I feel like a hard-ass for even thinking that. Sophia’s sweet, but I’m not interested in sweet. I want feisty banter, kisses that make my blood boil, eyes that make me want to melt right into them.

I want Chris.

Jordan Ford's books