Say You'll Stay (Return to Me #1)

Knowing how Wyatt feels about me, this feels so wrong. I don’t want to hurt him, especially because he’s one of my best friends. Yet, he’s the only one I trust. “We’re taking things really slow.”

He chuckles. “I doubt that.”

“No.” I stand my ground. “I mean it.”

“You and Zach have only ever had two speeds, Presley. You’re all in or not. I’m not blind or stupid. Neither are the people around you. Hell,” he says, letting out a laugh, “half the town has a bet going on how long it will be. He threw Felicia out slower than I thought he would.”

I groan. “This! This is why I didn’t want people to know. It’s none of y’all’s business.”

He leans in close, a smirk on his face. “Nice to see you found your inner country girl.”

“What?” I ask with annoyance.

“‘Y’all.’ I think that’s the first time you’ve said that and acted like you belong here.”

I look at him with a blank stare. “That’s what you take away from what I said?”

He grins. “Just pointing it out for you.”

“I appreciate it.”

I don’t at all. I actually would like to punch him for his smug grin. Why do people have to invade my life?

Wyatt slaps my leg. “As much as I hate to admit it, I’m going to say this: you and Zach are right. It’s nauseating to be around because you can’t help but watch. Every person in this world should hope for a love like you both share.” He sighs while getting up. “I’m not saying you can’t fuck it up—because you both have proven you’re capable of that already.”


“I’m serious. You two don’t know your ass from your elbow when it comes to fixing what you broke. How long have you been sneaking around?” Wyatt questions.

Ugh. I don’t think we’re sneaking around. I think we’re keeping things low key. He’s also missing one very important part to this equation. “And what, my friend, should I tell Cayden and Logan?”

He looks away, shrugs, and grumbles something under his breath. “They’re good kids, Presley. Give them a chance to work through it.”

He’s right. They are good boys. “I want to be sure it’s serious.”

Wyatt laughs so hard he slaps his leg. “Oh, that’s a good one.”

“I don’t know why you’re laughing,” I deadpan.

“You and I both know it’s every bit as serious as it ever was.”

All I know is that I’m hesitant. Not because of Todd or the boys. But because of Zach. If I give my heart to him, will he be able to endure the road ahead? Can he muddle through the parts of me that are so deeply broken that I don’t know where the crack begins? The losses I’ve endured have changed me, left tread marks on my heart, and altered the course of my life.

Then I think about the past.

The mistakes I’ve made along the way. I’ve hurt myself in so many ways. Things I thought were going to bring me happiness that only turned into regret.

I was young, foolish, and thought I knew what I was doing. I was desperate to forget about him, to stop hurting. I wanted to tell him everything I was feeling, but instead . . . I ran.

My gaze latches back on Wyatt’s. “I hope it can be. I just don’t know if I should trust his promises again.”

He comes close and crouches down. “Why are you so sure that he’s going to hurt you?”

“Because the only two men I’ve ever loved left me. Both of them willingly.”

Wyatt’s eyes flash, and I wait for the follow-up question.

I implore him to ask me. If he does, I won’t lie.

He closes his eyes, releasing a breath from his nose, and looks back at me. “One day you’re going to realize how wrong you are, Cowgirl.”

Wyatt doesn’t say another word. He kisses my hand and walks out the door. I really hope that one day comes really soon because I’m pretty damn tired.

I go back to work, thinking that this conversation is done, when a knock comes a minute later. “Dammit, Wyatt.”

“Well,” a voice that is not Wyatt’s says from the door. “I’m not that Hennington, but some say I’m the better looking one.”

I lean back with a grin. “I would agree with them.”

Zach walks forward with a bouquet of flowers. “These are for you.”

I walk around my desk with a big smile. “You’re so charming.” Without a thought, I give him a sweet kiss. “Thank you.”

He nods. “I’m here to meet Cayden and Logan.”


I didn’t know they were meeting. Usually the boys are anxious to tell me. Zach has been coming a few days a week to show them how to train the horses. He’s been amazing with them, and secretly it’s meant everything to me.

“Why don’t you ride with us?”

I look out the window and gnaw on my lip. I don’t know. It’s all of us together.

“Presley,” Zach says with affection.

My heart accelerates at the thought of the four of us spending time together. “I . . . think . . . ugh!” I say exasperated. “Okay. One condition.”

“What is that?”

“No innuendoes.”

Zach chuckles. “I would never.”


“Okay, maybe one or two, but I’ll behave.”