Say You'll Stay (Return to Me #1)

“Not as much as watching you right now is making me.”

I’m so enjoying this. His eyes travel down and rest on my chest. I flex a little, puffing my breasts out. My tight, white tank top leaves little to his imagination, plus his mouth was on them less than twelve hours ago. We’ve been tempting that line for the last week, and I notice he’s growing more desperate. But right now, this isn’t so much sexual as part of my plan.

“Fucking killing me, Pres.”

And it’s working.

“Awww,” I croon. “Is it going to be kind of . . . hard . . . to ride?”

His eyes flash to mine. Recognition flashes as he figures out my game. “You play dirty.”

I smirk. “I play to win.” Zach adjusts himself while grumbling under his breath. “Time to race, boys!”

I hop on Shortstop and Zach drops his chin and his lip twitches. “You’re dead.”

“You’re not on your horse yet, Zach.” I cock my head to the side. “What’s wrong?”

“Some things never change,” Zach mutters as he goes around walking funny.

I head over to the starting point as Zach struggles slightly to get on his horse. Well, no reason that the race can’t start now. “Call it, Cayden!”


“No!” Zach yells.


“Presley! Don’t cheat!” he calls out as he finally gets on the horse.

“I’m not the one starting it.” I smile innocently.

“Go!” Cayden says, and I’m off.

One misstep and Zach will easily catch me. I ride as fast as Shortstop will go toward the tree. Wyatt, Cooper, Zach, and I used to race all the time. Wyatt always beat us. I swear he cheated somehow. There was only one race when I actually came close. But Zach and I were pretty neck and neck. There’s a way to turn and get the most traction, but I can’t remember if it’s left or right.

“Come on, Shortstop.” I spur him on. We fly through the trail without focusing on anything but us. I need to use the time I got. Plus, I want to win.

The tree comes into my view and I hear Zach’s voice behind me.

“Better watch, darlin’. I’m coming.”


I lean forward and slap Shortstop’s back, hoping he’ll fly faster.

I take the turn and Zach is right on my heels. “I’m gonna get ya,” he taunts.

The end is in sight. I want to win, but he’ll never let me.

We come to the trail that widens so we’re side by side. We both surge forward and the boys yell and jump up and down.

No matter who wins the actual race. I think I’ve won much more.

According to Logan, Zach won. Cayden, of course, doesn’t dispute, just so I lose for once. Little shits.

Zach does his own victory dance and the boys join in. I laugh, watching the three of them behave like dorks. After they’re done with the taunting and celebrating, we all go on a ride. The boys handle the horses with ease. He’s done such a great job with them. They sit tall and maintain control the entire time.

“Can you guys race again?” Logan asks as we put the horses in their stalls.

“I think Zach has to work,” I explain.

“He’s a lot of fun, Mom.”

I smile. “Yeah, he is. I’ve known him a long time.”

He leans back against the wall. “Wyatt told me. He said you and Zach were boyfriend and girlfriend for a long time.”

Oh, Jesus. Well, I guess it was going to come out sooner or later. “Yeah.” I smile. “We were for a long time. Then I met your dad.”

Logan nods as if he understands. I sit and wait for his next question because I see the wheels turning. His mind goes non stop and I can never be too prepared. Cayden and Zach are still in the corral, and I want to give him the answers he’s searching for. Logan is a tender heart. He’s missing his dad, and I’ve probably done a shitty job of helping him through that.

“Do you think Dad would like Zach?” Logan asks without meeting my eyes.

Hell no, he wouldn’t. “I think if your dad knew Zach now, he would.”

That’s about as close to the truth as I can get. Todd hated Zach. But Todd had a very skewed version of who he was. All Todd saw was a man who left me in the worst way. I was broken, and Todd cared for me.

“Cool.” Logan returns to quiet reflection.

“Do you like him?” I ask.

“I think he’s really cool. I think he likes you, Mom.”

I’m thrown off by that statement. I’m shocked that one of them picked up on it. “You do?”

He shrugs.

I don’t want to ask this, but I don’t know I’ll ever get another chance. “I think Zach likes you and Cay a lot.”

“Do you like him?” he questions me with tears in his eyes.

“I will always love your dad. He gave me you and Cayden. No one else will ever take that away, okay?”

My heart aches as I look in his eyes. I see the pain that he hides well. My babies have been so deeply affected by Todd’s absence. They don’t deserve to hurt anymore.

“I love you, Mom.”