Rocco and Mandy: A Red Team Wedding Novella (Book #6.5)


They both gave Zavi a hug, then sent him on his way with Wynn. Yeller and Blue got up and followed him, as they did every night. Zavi kept his eyes on her and Rocco as he went up the front stairs. On the bridge between the north and south bedroom wings, he waved to them, then took Wynn’s hand and disappeared down the hall.

Rocco caught her hand and brought her fingers up to his mouth for a kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapter Nine

Sometime around four the next morning, everyone decided to crash for a couple of hours. Rocco, Mandy, Kit, and Ivy headed down the hallway toward the north bedroom wing. When Kit gave Mandy a hug goodnight, he whispered in her ear, “Don’t let him be alone. If he disappears, you get me.”

“Thanks, Kit. For everything. You’re the best brother a girl could ever have.” She kissed his cheek then hugged Ivy. “Night, sis.”

Mandy smiled up at Rocco as she took his hand and went upstairs with him. Wynn was sleeping on the sofa in the sitting area outside their room. Rocco went in to check on Zavi while Mandy woke Wynn.

“Thank you for taking care of Zavi tonight.”

“Of course.” Wynn sat up and rubbed her hands over her face, then stood up. “Is everything all right?”

“I think so. Rocco has had some things to work through. I think he made big progress tonight. Why don’t you try to sleep in this morning? I’ll take care of Zavi until you catch up to us. Depending on what time that is, we might be in the stables.”

“Terrific. I’ll do that. Thank you, Mandy.”

“Night, Wynn,” Rocco said as he came out of Zavi’s room.

“Night, Rocco.”

“Zavi okay?” Mandy asked.

Rocco nodded. “Out cold. I’m glad he missed everything.”

“Me too.”

“Feel like a shower?”

“I’d love one.”

Rocco sat on the bed. Mandy shucked her clothes in the time it took him to unlace his boots. The sight of her bare skin was a feast to his starved heart. Seemed her hips were a little curvier than he remembered. God, how long had it been since they were together last?

He reached for her hand then pulled her over to sit on his thigh. He palmed her stomach, stroking sideways from hip to hip. He watched as he moved his hand up her ribs, over her breasts, and back down. All of her seemed curvier than her already lush body had been. He’d missed so much in his madness.

“Will it hurt you to have sex?”

She smiled. “I don’t know. You go in so deep, you may give the baby a black eye.”

The horror he felt at that thought must have been written all over his face, for she laughed and brought his hand back to her stomach. “I’m just teasing.”

He frowned. “That’s an awful thought.”

She caught his face and kissed him. “It is. I shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t want you to hold back.” She got off his leg, then straddled his lap. Pulling at his tee, she yanked it up over his head. She pushed him back on the bed then unfastened his jeans. He lifted his hips and helped her push his jeans and briefs down his hips.

She sucked in a sharp breath as she took hold of his cock. Her hands were cool and soft on his hard flesh. Without preamble, she positioned him at her core and lowered her body down over him. She was hot and slick. He sat up slightly, resting on one elbow. He caught her face and brought her down for a kiss as her hips moved over him.

He held her mouth to his, closed lips to closed lips, for a long moment while he absorbed all of the sensations of her body on his, her breasts pressed between their bodies, his cock inside her. He looked into her eyes. This was what his life was about. She was everything he needed. Well, her and his children. “I pick you,” he whispered against her lips.

Her answer was little more than a rush of breath.

He ran his hands down her body, capturing her ass cheeks in his palms. Spreading his legs, he widened hers as he took over the rhythm of their joining. He thought about rolling her over, but remembered her comment about hurting the baby and decided to let her set the pace—not an easy choice when he wanted to slam into her.

“Lift up. Brace yourself on your hands,” he ordered her.

“Why?” Mandy asked in a breathy voice.

He grinned. “Because I want to see you.” When she rose over him, he captured her breasts, holding them as her movements over him grew more feverish.


“I’m here. I’ve got you. Let go.” He didn’t think he could hold off much longer. It was heaven being here with her. “Let go, Emmy.”