Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“Well, well, looks like Wu wanted to get fucked after all,” he mocked, as he held up a pink dildo.

I walked over to the crate, pushing around the contents, and sure enough it was full of sex toys.

“I bet this one is labeled butt plugs,” Pipe said, prying open the top of another crate.

“Dump it,” Jack ordered.

Pipe raised an eyebrow, questioning Jack.

“You sure about that, boss? Bet we can turn this shit for a pretty penny,” he countered.

“Dump the fucking shit,” Jack barked, as he lifted a crate over his head and threw it into the water.

Sweat poured from our bodies as we hustled to empty the container, finally hauling the last crate into the river, creating a sea of vibrators. The Hudson River looked like a goddamn nympho’s paradise.

What a fucking sight.

“Pack it up,” Jack demanded, as he reached into his back pocket and produced a can of spray paint. I turned to Bones, my eyes questioning his, but he merely shrugged his shoulders and we both turned back to watch as Jack nodded toward Rienzi.

Rienzi closed the container, locking it up with a new plastic seal before taking a step back and letting Jack do his thing. He pulled the cap off the bottle, throwing it into the water before putting his finger on the aerosol can and writing a message to Wu.

Fuck you.

In bright red letters across the door.

Jack took a step back, admiring his handy work before dumping the can of paint into the water and turning around to face us.

“Clear enough?”

“Still think we should’ve fucked him with one of his toys,” Wolf clipped.

“Message is clear,” Pipe confirmed, smacking Wolf upside the head.

Jack slapped each of the newbies on the back, impressed with their efficiency as we strode down the dock, pretty fucking pleased with ourselves that we pulled it off with fifteen minutes to spare.

We were half way down the dock when we heard the roar of the Red Dragons engines.

“Shit, we’ve got company,” Blackie declared, reaching for his gun.

Time stopped after he uttered those words and everything moved in slow motion. It didn’t matter we were running down the rickety wooden pier, guns drawn and lighting the shipping yard a blaze, to me we were just standing still.

I glanced down at my feet then lifted my head and watched as my brothers ran forward, shooting their way back to their bikes and I remained still.

They ran.

They fought.

I stayed still, taking it all in before something clicked inside of me and I took my other gun, crossed one arm over the other and fired both guns.

One down, then another, and another. I didn’t know if they were dead or not but I told myself they were.

It wasn’t enough.

I needed more.

I took my time, walking the rest of the pier, firing one gun then the other. Another two dropped to the ground.

Still, not enough.

I wanted Wu.

I wanted to decorate my hands with his blood.

I wouldn’t stop until I did, and I continued to pop any Dragon that stepped in my way, full of lead.

I heard my brothers shout out to me.

But I tuned them out.

I didn’t give a fuck.

Let them tell me I’m reckless.

Let them tell me I have no heart.

I don’t.

This motherfucker was the reason I won’t see my kid being born, or hold Lauren’s hand as she brings him into this world. This son of a bitch took my family from me with his threats.

I don’t make threats.

I make promises.

I promise to take that bastard’s blood.

I solemnly swear to make it my mission in life.

I reached the end of the dock as another Dragon neared and I pulled the trigger, emptying my clip into his head. One of his brothers came up behind me, shouting in Mandarin as he watched the blood of his brother pour from his eyes and drop to the floor. I turned around, fired a shot and clipped him in the shoulder. I went to finish the job, but I ran out of bullets. He screamed, spewing Chinese bullshit as I tucked my guns away and rolled up my sleeves. My dick got hard from the look of fear in his eyes and it was all I needed to finish him. I grabbed him by the neck, smiled at him as I leaned into him and spit in his face before I snapped his neck and dropped his head to the ground.

“Jesus Christ,” Bones hollered, pulling me to my feet. “C’mon, man, what the fuck are you doing?” He fumed, as he stared down at the slayed Dragon. I followed his eyes and looked at the man at my feet, feeling unsatisfied as I gasped for air. Bones looked at me, muttering something under his breath before he bent down and grabbed the guy’s feet, dragging his bloody ass to the end of the pier before he kicked him into the water.

He grabbed the back of my cut and pushed me forward.

“We gotta get the fuck out of here,” he ordered. “Now, Riggs.”

I stared at him blankly before glancing down at my hands, recalling how Blackie lifted his hands and spoke of the bloodshed his hands were responsible for.

My hands weren’t clean anymore.

But they weren’t nearly as dirty as I wanted them to be.

Not until I had Wu.

I was going to get that motherfucker.

Mark my words.

Janine Infante Bosco's books