Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“You do that and I’ll shoot it off,” Jack hissed, before glancing at our new members. “Pipe and this clown…” he pointed his thumb toward Wolf as he spoke “…have filled you guys in on the war we have going on with the Red Dragons, so no need for me to rehash the reason behind what we’re about to do.”

He reached into his cut for his pack of Marlboros and picked one out with his teeth as Blackie slid a lighter across the table.

“Been working on a way to retaliate against them for the guns they stole and the bullets they pumped into Pops place. Rienzi, who’s a longshoreman, one of Vic’s guys, came through with a tip. Seems like our friend Wu is receiving a shipment tonight from Beijing,” he clarified, flicking his ashes into the ashtray. “Saddle up, boys because we’re going to intercept their shipment.”

“Do we know what it is?” I asked, as I took the toothpick I was chewing on out of my mouth.

“It don’t matter what the cargo is, I don’t want their shit. I want to hit Wu were it really hurts—his wallet. We’ll unload the container and dump that shit right into the river, sending a message back to our friends. They fucked with us, now it’s our turn to fuck them ten times harder,” he growled.

“Ay,” Pipe agreed.

“It’s about time those Lo Mein eating motherfuckers get a dose of my cock,” Wolf added.

We all turned our eyes to Wolf, and he shrugged his shoulders.

“What?” He asked innocently. “You said fuck them hard, only trying to do my part for the cause,” he claimed.

“You’re a sick fuck,” Bones added.

“Welcome to the club, boys,” Jack said sarcastically, earning a few laughs from our new additions.

“Nothing we haven’t seen before, Bulldog,” Stryker replied, his lips curving slightly.

“There is just one more thing I want to discuss before we get our asses in gear.” His eyes drifted toward me then to Bones who sat across from me. “For the last month you two have been acting like a bunch of bitches in a cat fight,” he ranted. “Time for this lover’s quarrel, or whatever the fuck it is between you two, be put to rest.”

I averted my eyes to Bones who met my blank stare with one of his own. It was true, since Kitten stormed into the clubhouse, handing me my ass and walking out of my life, Bones and I haven’t been the same. I know him well enough and long enough to realize he gave me a pass. No one gets away with putting their hands on Bones. They don’t live to tell about it, but here I was breathing.

I also know that he’d never disrespect me and go after Lauren. His interference came from a good place, a place where he knew what I was sacrificing and had remorse for my decision. I wasn’t ready to hear him say what I felt in my heart. I didn’t want to face facts that walking away from Lauren and the baby was a shit thing to do and Bones wasn’t about to let me forget it.

“We’re all brothers here but you two are in a class of your own, one of you gets wounded the other one bleeds, so bury that shit and bury it deep,” Jack emphasized.

“Yeah girls, why don’t you kiss and make up,” Wolf pleaded.

Bones uncrossed his arms, keeping his eyes steady on me as he reached across the table and offered me his hand. I took a deep breath, apologizing to my best friend with my eyes instead of my words as I took his hand and shook on it solidifying our brotherhood.

“Can I get an Amen?” Pipe quipped.

“Amen,” preached Wolf.

“Amen,” chanted Stryker.

“Praise be to God,” Linc added.

“Hallelujah,” Blackie mused.

“All right, all right, go in peace my brothers,” Jack said, bowing his head and making the sign of the cross.

God was going to strike us all dead, luckily we weren’t relying on him to welcome us at the pearly gates. We were destined for the flames and the only one waiting for us in the end would be Satan.

We pulled our bikes into the shipping yard, locked and loaded, ready for mayhem, thirsty for blood. We weren’t the weak ass motherfuckers the Red Dragons assumed we were. We had Blackie back, and as fucked as he was he was crazy too, and now we had four more men, ready to make names for themselves within the club.

Cutting our engines, we dismounted our bikes before pulling our weapons and crouching down as we ran up the pier where the vessel docked. Sun Wu and the Dragons were nowhere in sight, not scheduled to unload their shipment for another hour. Jack led the pack, pausing at the container and forking over an envelope to Rienzi before he snapped the plastic seal off the doors giving us access to Wu’s merchandise.

Wooden crates stacked from the floor to the ceiling, filled the entire container. It would take more than an hour to unload this thing.

Stryker and Deuce charged in first, tucking their guns away before Stryker got down on one knee, placing one palm over the other while Deuce put his boot clad foot onto Stryker’s hands before he hoisted him up. Deuce pulled a crate from the top and dropped it onto the floor beside us. Together Stryker and Deuce demolished the first row of crates.

The last crate fell onto the others, busting open and Wolf, the nosey fuck he was, sifted through it.

Janine Infante Bosco's books