Off Limits

“I love you, Alix,” Kade whispered, brushing my hair out of my face so he could watch his cock disappear into my mouth before I pulled it out again, my tongue playing with the sensitive spot just underneath the head where it was super pleasurable for him. When that started to be too much, I crawled up higher, until his cock was just below me.

“I love you too, Kade,” I said, sinking down onto his cock. It was so different and yet so familiar at the same time. I mean, I’d had Kade inside me so much over the past three weeks, but this time I was in total control, Kade keeping himself totally still as I sank slowly down onto his cock. It was powerful and humbling at the same time, knowing that I was in control but that I needed this man, and yes, his cock more than I needed food or air.

Rising up, I paused again at the top, keeping just the head of his cock inside me. I leaned over, letting my breasts dangle into his face as I sank down again, sending ripples of pleasure through my body. Bracing myself on my hands, I lifted up and down, riding Kade’s wonderful cock and losing myself in the pleasure.

I looked down at Kade’s handsome face, so controlled and still so passionate as I slid up and down, filling my body over and over, feasting on the pleasure it gave me. Energy coursed from him through my body, my heart speeding up as I plunged myself over and over onto him, taking what I wanted from this wonderful man.

As I did, I looked at Kade, and I realized what I really wanted. Laying fully on top of him, I felt him wrap his arms around my back and hold me tight, his cock still deep inside me. I rolled to the side, Kade staying with me until I was on my back, Kade fully on top of me. Grinning, I kissed him hotly and laid my head back. “This is what I want.”

Kade smiled and kissed me again, sitting back and moving his hips. Pushing my legs back, he soon had my ankles next to my ears (thank God for yoga!) and was hammering into me, both of us gasping. I felt my orgasm building within me, but I held it back, wanting to feel him inside just a little longer.

Kade thrust in and out of me, his hips slapping hard against my ass, and the entire world shrank down to a tight little ball of just the two of us. My hands clawed at his back, digging into the hard muscles as I lost my control, giving myself over to the lustful animal inside me. “Fuck me, Kade,” I begged. “Fuck me hard.”

Kade’s eyes crinkled in delight as I begged him to take me, to give me everything he had, and he responded with more power and speed than I’d ever felt before. His cock pounded into me with nearly bruising force, filling me over and over again with his powerful strokes. I tossed my head back and cried out, my body clenching around him and my legs wrapping around his back to pull him in deeper. Kade wouldn’t be denied though, his hips thrusting over and over until I could hold back no longer. Screaming, my body exploded in a powerful orgasm, the rush leaving nothing but the sound of blood rushing in my ears as Kade thrust a half dozen more times before emptying himself into me, his own groan mixing into a guttural roar of satisfaction.

We laid there for a minute before I heard the clock in my kitchen chime the hour, and I rolled to the side, groaning. “Damn, I want to stay here longer, but we need to get cleaned up and dressed. Karla’s going to be here in just a few minutes.”

Kade nodded and rolled off. “You know, Alix, I was serious. I want you to be my wife.”

“Oh, that’s just fucking perfect,” a chilling voice said from the entryway. Kade and I both jerked our heads up to see Sydney Hale standing there, a miniature camcorder in his hand and a wicked grin on his face. “Seriously, that is just fucking perfect.”

Chapter 22


Sydney’s nose was still aligned, although from the cut on one side I thought I’d broken it and it had been treated by a doctor at some point. That wasn’t what I was particularly worried about as most of my attention was taken up with the small camcorder in his right hand.

“Holy shit, I mean, I came over hoping to get something out of Alix, but this is even more than I could have hoped,” he practically crowed, backing toward the entryway. I rolled to my knees, but before I could move, Sydney shook his head, his hand in the left pocket of the light jacket he was wearing. “Don’t even think about it, loving brother. You take one step and Alix gets hurt.”

I sagged back, knowing that with the way Alix was positioned in between Sydney and me, if he was armed, there was no way I could get in between. Seeing my temporary acquiescence, Sydney’s grin grew wider. “That’s better. Come now, let’s talk like reasonable adults.”

“What the hell do you want, Sydney?” Alix asked, reaching for her t-shirt. She covered herself up before pulling it on, not wanting this slime of a human to see her naked again.