Off Limits

“Kade . . . ” I moaned as his strong hands found my ass and massaged it, his lips still tasting and feasting on my breast. He lifted his head and growled lightly, hungry for more as he moved to my other nipple, my words cut off as his mouth sent more fireworks through me.

Working my legs, I kicked my shorts off. I was already wet and ready for him, and I could feel Kade’s cock pressed against my thigh through his shorts. I wanted to suck him, to feel him, to have him plunge inside me.

Instead, I was surprised when Kade stopped and sat up. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head and smiled. “Nothing,” he replied, reaching down to his own shorts. Seeing I’d kicked off mine while still somehow leaving my shoes on, he chuckled. “Glad we both went with casual stretchy fabric today. But I had an idea.”

“Oh? I live to try your ideas,” I replied, running my hands over his arms, tracing the light outline of the blood vessels underneath his skin. He was so fit I could see them lined against his biceps and his forearms, especially when he was aroused and his heart was beating fast. “What do you have in mind?”

“You on top” he said, rolling off of me and getting onto his back. “I know I’m usually the one in the dominant position, but you can do whatever you want.”

I looked at Kade, my heart swelling with emotion as he put himself in an ostensibly inferior position to me. His magnificent cock pointed straight in the air, and in his eyes I could see the worry he had, as he was giving up so much that made him secure. Smiling reassuringly at him, I rolled to my side and kissed his shoulder before reaching down and taking his cock in my hand. “Kade, I know why you want to be dominant,” I said, looking into his dark eyes. “And I understand it, too. I saw it when we would go to the gym. There’s a lot of anger and rage inside you, and you fight every day to control it. But with me, you don’t have to hold back.”

I stroked him lightly, pumping his cock in my hand. Kade’s eyes glittered as my words sunk in. “I’m always going to accept you as who you are, and love you for who you are,” I continued. I felt a drop of slick, sweet precum dribble over my fingers and I smiled more, letting it lubricate my hand. “I’ll always be your sub. Even now, as I mount you, I do it because you want me to.”

The reassuring words lessened the fear in his eyes, and he smiled at me. “You know me better than I know myself, I think,” he said before his eyes fluttered and he groaned lightly. “How?”

“Because we’ve both been hurt in the past.”

It was true, even if it was half-baked psychology. Kade’s need to dominate was predicated from his mother leaving him, while my submissiveness was from the way my father left me. Let the psychologists worry if we were twisted, I really didn’t care. What I knew was that Kade filled the hole in my soul, and I filled the hole in his. The rest didn’t matter.

What did matter was the thick, pulsing cock in my left hand and the man next to me, and the ache of need inside me. I worked my way down until Kade’s cock was just below my chin level, looking up at him. “You’ve never given me the opportunity to do this before,” I said, smiling. “And I understand why. If I do what I want to do like this, you aren’t in control. But you’re too noble and kind to do it the other way, which would have you forcing yourself into my mouth. So I’m going to use this chance to do something I’ve been wanting to do.”

I reached out with my tongue, and starting with the bottom of Kade’s cock near where his balls met his shaft, licked him slowly, spreading my tongue out to bathe his cock. His skin was even smoother than I thought, silky soft wrapped around warm steel. When I got to the tip I narrowed my tongue and licked around his blunt, spongy cockhead before working my tongue over his slit. Kade groaned and threw his head back, a thick moan coming from deep in his throat. “You like?”

“Hell yes,” Kade half moaned, half whispered.

I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and sucked, sliding down his long shaft until I could take no more. The feeling of him in my mouth made me even wetter, and I reached between my legs with my free hand to rub myself while I sucked him up and down. Kade’s cock continued to ooze delicious, sweet precum that I licked from him like it was honeyed syrup, relishing each taste.

I slipped a finger inside my wet folds, timing it with the bobbing of my head so that each slow suck and withdraw was mirrored by my finger. I was depending on Kade’s control, knowing that he wouldn’t want to come until he could be inside me. Keeping my lips and mouth wrapped around my man’s wonderful cock, I looked up at him, watching him closely to make sure he was still enjoying himself.