Off Limits

My house was still just as quiet as it had been the last time I’d been there, what seemed like ages ago. My car, which Kade had arranged to be towed from Sydney’s apartment and then detailed, sat outside gleaming like it was fresh off the lot. “It looks good,” I said, running my hand over the hood. “Come on, let’s go inside. The milk should be shot, but I’m pretty sure there’s something in there to drink.”

There was a definite funk to the fridge when I opened it of spoiled milk and a package of chicken that I’d been saving, but other than that the house was in decent shape, needing only an airing out. I popped open the window above the sink, letting in the outside air, and turned on the fan in the dining area. “The real estate company is coming by tomorrow. They’ll bring in cleaners, but still, I’d rather that Karla not come in to a nasty ass milk smell,” I said.

“What time is it?” Kade asked, glancing up at my kitchen clock. “Oh, we’ve still got an hour and a half. I didn’t expect to get here so quickly.”

“We got lucky with traffic,” I replied.

Turning around, I went over to Kade, wrapping my arms around him. “Kade, what’s wrong? Since getting in the car to come over here, you’ve been more tense than normal, a bit quiet. Did I do something to upset you?”

Kade shook his head. “No, Princess. Just . . . Dad said I was acting less like a frustrated stepbrother and more like someone with a crush on you since we landed, and I’ve been worried.”

“About giving our secret away?” I asked, grinning. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him on the nose. “Well, I hate to tell you, Kade Prescott, but you are much more than just a man with a crush. You are one hundred percent, guaranteed in love with me, and I just happen to reciprocate. That your father, who knows you better than anyone in the world, thinks you’re acting differently is going to be expected. We just have to make sure that we don’t do anything stupid in front of him.”

“Oh?” Kade asked, smirking down at me. “Like kissing me on the nose in front of him? Or maybe I should lock you up like we did three nights ago?”

“You know, I never did thank you properly for that,” I said, pushing Kade backward. “You know, we’ve got time on our hands, and privacy that we won’t have for the rest of the weekend, so . . . ”

“So you think this is the time to thank me?” Kade laughed, then grinned. He reached down and picked me up in his arms, kissing me fiercely. “I love it. But, one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“None of the role play,” he said. “I just want to make love to you.”

Carrying me out of the kitchen, he took me into my mostly empty living room. I didn’t have a coffee table, preferring the open feel of the space to a cluttered look, so he set me down on my back in the middle of the carpet, kneeling over me. “Someday . . . ” Kade whispered, then he reached for his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. “Someday.”

“Someday what?” I asked, grinning and pulling at my own t-shirt.

Kade licked his lips and swallowed a lump in his throat, then shook his head again. “Fuck it, might as well say it. Someday, Alix Nova, I’m going to marry you.”

I grinned and finished pulling my t-shirt off, leaving me in just my bra. “If that’s a proposal, I accept. If not, then I’ll accept in the future, because damn right, I’m going to marry you too, somehow.”

Our desires in the open, Kade grinned, leaning down and capturing my mouth in a searing, passionate kiss. We knew that getting married would probably be impossible, but we didn’t care. Like the old saying goes, it’s the thought that counts, right?

Kade kissed his way down my neck to the edge of my bra, taking a moment to raise his head and look me in the eye. “Alix Nova, will you marry me?” he asked, grinning. “Even if it’s never filed with a court, even if we’re the only people who ever know, will you be my wife?”

“Only if I can still be your Princess,” I said, running my hand through his dark hair. “And as long as I get something I can wear somewhere that I can use as a wedding ring.”

“Deal,” Kade replied. He sat up and reached for the front clasp of my bra, and I was glad I’d chosen that particular set that day. One of the sets I’d gotten at Victoria’s Secret, the satiny cups fell easily to the side once Kade worked the catch, leaving me naked from the waist up in front of him. “I’m a lucky man.”

Kade lowered his head, kissing me again while our hands entwined, fingers wrapping around each other. My breasts pressed against his chest, our nipples actually brushing against each other as we let our tongues explore. Despite kissing and making love nearly every night since going to Portland, I was in no way tired of feeling Kade’s lips on my skin.

Working his way down my body, Kade found my right nipple and sucked it into his mouth, his sensitive lips teasing my already aroused skin to nearly diamond hardness. Sucking and licking, warm waves of arousal coursed through my body, my skin on fire from his caresses. Letting go of my hands, he reached down, pulling on the waistband of my shorts to pull them down my legs.