Off Limits

“It’s a good feeling,” Alix said.

After all the hugs were exchanged, Dad took us to his car, where I stuffed myself in the back seat, reminding myself why I liked driving instead. The Los Angeles area freeways always suck during the daytime, and it’s even worse when you’re sitting in the backseat, even when the backseat belongs to your father’s Jaguar XJ. At least as we drove, Dad explained what the day would be like. “I know you have some business to do while you’re down here, Alix, but if you can be back at the Laguna house by four that would be best,” Dad informed us from up front. “There is a local PAC that is putting on this whole gig, and they’re sending some people over around then. Probably nothing you aren’t used to, but they want to do the whole dolling us up. Makeup artists, hair stylists, the whole nine so that I supposedly look Congressional or something.”

“What’s the primary looking like, Dad?” I asked, and Dad grinned.

“Not bad at all. The Congressman is giving me his blessing at the event, so most of the establishment is falling into line behind me. There’s one other guy running in the primary, but he’s been doing it for the past five election cycles and never gets close. He’s a decent enough guy. We’ve done speaking events together and I’ve talked to him, but he just can’t seem to get a campaign staff behind him that’s worth a damn.

When we got to the house, Alix went inside with Layla while I helped Dad park the car. “You really don’t mind running Alix over to her house to get her car and everything?” Dad asked, surprised. “I mean, I trust you with the Jag, but I would have been happy taking Alix over myself.”

“It’s no problem, Dad. I’ve gotten used to it over the past few weeks,” I said honestly. “And you’re right in what you said before, she’s an amazing person, with the fact that she wants to go to college, giving up the modeling money for a while, and most of all, how hard she’s worked since getting to Portland.”

Dad gave me a look then, like he saw something in my face, and he shut the garage door. “Son, are you okay with Alix living with you?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? Like I said, she’s done a great job since coming to Portland.”

Dad nodded and glanced at the door to the house. “Yes, but you’re talking less like the tolerant yet frustrated stepbrother I’ve come to know for the past five years, and more like someone who has a crush on Alix. I don’t want to cross lines, but are you okay, Kade?”

I stepped back and nodded. “I’m fine. Alix is just a remarkable young woman, you’ve said it yourself.”

Dad’s eyes narrowed, but he nodded before tossing me the keys. “Okay. Just be careful, Kade. You know what that sort of scandal could do to your career.”

“And yours?” I asked, instantly regretting it. “Sorry, Dad.”

Dad shook his head and came around, patting me on the shoulder. “Son, I’m sorry.”

Alix came out of the house, a huge grin on her face. “Hey guys, guess what?”

“What?” I asked at the same time as Dad.

“I’ve maybe already got a buyer for my car!” she said. “You know that other model I’ve worked with, Karla?”

“The Australian girl,” I said, thinking back to the voice I’d heard over the phone. “Yes, I remember her.”

“Well, she just called me when I told her I was coming into town, and she said she would love to talk to me about getting my car! It seems she wants to relocate to the Los Angeles area more permanently, and she is tired of renting cars and using mass transit. So, while she already has an apartment lined up, she wants to come by and give my car a test drive.”

“Great news, honey,” Dad said. “Just make sure she’s willing to sign papers on it. You don’t want a headache with the bank or your insurance company over it.”

“Don’t worry, Kade’s a lawyer, I’m sure he’ll be willing to make sure we get it all done right,” Alix said. “Won’t you, Kade?”

“Okay, just as long as we’re back by four. If she shows up at three thirty wanting a test drive, it’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”

“Oh no, she’s heading to my place now,” Alix said. “I just got off the phone with her, she wants to meet us there at two or so.”

“No time to waste then,” I said, going to the Jaguar. “Come on, we’ll beat her there if we leave now. Thanks again for the car, Dad.”

“No problem. Say hello to your friend for me, Alix.”

Chapter 21
