King was fucking huge, everywhere.

His wide and round shoulders showed his strong chest. His arms were defined with cut after cut of muscle, his strong hands grabbing at my waist, putting me right in position where he wanted to fuck me.

I looked down and watched the cock that had just been in my mouth as it touched between my legs. The pressure was instant. The pleasure came a quick second later.

King eased his body down, entering me. He wasted no time in sinking right into me, taking himself to the hilt.

My toes curled so tight they hurt. I pulled at the sheets, starting to tear them off the bed. I arched my chest, my body demanding I find a sense of relief from the intense feelings racing through me. All I could do was let out a scream. A pleasure filled scream that was just going to be one of many.

King ran his right hand up my body and cupped my breast. His other hand was planted firmly on the bed. He pulled back and bucked forward, slamming against me harder. He repeated the same motion over and over, beautifully slow yet it had the same outlaw bad boy touch that I had been missing for years.

I forced my right hand to let go of the bed sheets and I grabbed for his chest. I did the same with my other hand and my nails were then clawing into him. At the same time, he was digging deeper into me.

King fucked harder and faster, pounding his hard body against mine.

His hand moved from my breast to my neck. Easing around, he cradled my head. His mouth inched down and closer to mine but he didn’t kiss me. Instead, he stayed just a few inches away, allowing our heavy breaths to collide and mix.

I hooked my legs around his legs and felt every perfect thrust of his perfect cock. Inch after inch, pulling out and sliding right back in. Bringing me to the peak of orgasm, leaving me scratching at him as I came, pulling my body tighter to his, stealing a couple kisses. But even then, he was still in complete control.

“Feel me, sweetie,” King whispered. “Wrap your little hand around my full cock. I’m almost ready to fill you.”

King pulled back and took himself from me. He slapped his cock to my lower belly. I hurried to reach for him, feeling his slick shaft from all my orgasm. I gripped the head of his cock tight and jerked him.

I stared into his outlaw dark eyes. The eyes of a killer. The eyes of a man. The eyes of someone I loved.

“I’ve always fucking loved you, sweetie,” he growled at me. “You know that, right?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Good. Now put my cock back inside you so I can fill you with my cum.”

I whimpered.

I loved that he was raunchy and just said what he wanted to say. There was no beating around the bush with him. He said what he felt and that was it.

I moved his cock down between my legs. He thrust forward, pounding right back inside me. I let out a cry. That’s when King finally kissed me again. That’s when he sped right back up to where he was before. And that’s when he brought himself to orgasm, right there inside me.

He came forward with the hardest thrust of the night and he started to come.

His beautiful cock pulsing, throwing his seed to the depths of my body.

I couldn’t breathe. Between the way he kissed me, fucked me, and came inside me, my body was in a state of shock.

King kept growling deep in his throat as he pressed against me, making sure not a single drop of his cum was wasted.

When the kiss did break, King stopped moving. But he was still inside me.

We just stared at each other.

It was like time stood still.

It was like my fantasy had come to life.

HE THREW his arm around me and pulled me close to him. We were both still naked. I felt his slithering cock against my back. It made me shiver. I was still wet, still dripping from him, still wanting more.

King kissed my shoulder. “Sorry to come crashing back into your life like this.”

“What other way would you have come back?” I asked.

He laughed. “True.”

“How did you get out?”

“It’s a fucking mess, sweetie. A big fucking mess.”

“Tell me about it.”

“All I can say is that while I was inside there were some guards that got themselves into trouble. Throwing down cash and bets on who could kill me.”

I rolled to my back. “What?”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not okay.” My heart was racing.

King kissed the tip of my nose. “You’re so cute when you worry about me.”

“I’m being serious, Kingston.”

“Kingston?” he asked. “You haven’t called me by my real name in a long time.”

“What happened inside?”

“I just told you. So some guards got themselves into trouble. And now there’s some evidence that could help show I didn’t actually do what I said I did.”


“Revenge,” he corrected.

“You shot someone.”

“That someone shot my brother.”

Jaxson Kidman's books