I WANTED to surprise Linds with some breakfast. It had been a long time since I was able to wake up next to her in bed and then go cook her something to eat. It took all my might not to go down on her and wake up her up to my favorite meal for breakfast. But she looked so peaceful sleeping. I couldn’t wake her up.

I kissed her cheek and climbed out of bed.

I put on my jeans so anyone outside the kitchen didn’t see my dick slapping around as I moved through the small apartment kitchen.

I made some coffee and then I set my sights on some eggs.

As I started to heat up the pan I heard a chink sound against the window. I looked and saw nothing.

Maybe it was a fucking squirrel.

I heard the same sound two more times, the second time just as I was about to crack an egg.

I walked to the window and couldn’t believe my fucking eyes.

Anderson stood right there in the lawn of the apartment building. A cigarette hanging from his mouth. Two store bought cups of coffee in his hands. He balanced one of the cups on the other. Then he reached into his pocket and took something out. He threw it right at the fucking window.

That was the sound I heard.

“What the fuck is this guy doing?” I asked myself.

Anderson, still balancing the coffees, made a motion with his finger for me to come outside and talk to him.

What fucking choice did I have? I didn’t need him barging into Linds’s apartment, waking her ass up, causing a whole new set of questions. As far as I was concerned, I just wanted me and Linds to have a few good moments together and that was that.

I turned off the stovetop and left the apartment. I was in nothing but a pair of jeans.

I walked from the sidewalk to the well-kept front lawn of the building.

“There you are,” Anderson said. “Brought you something to drink. I’m sure you had a wild night as a free man.”

I backhanded the coffee out of Anderson’s hand. I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him close.

“How the fuck did you find me here?”

Anderson grinned. “I have eyes on you at all times, my friend. That’s all I can say. I’m happy you and Lindsey were able to get together. You two were always good together.”

“What the hell are you trying to do here? How the hell do you know about me and Lindsey?”

“I’m not a dumb man,” Anderson said. “And neither are you. Which is why you’re going to let me go. So we can talk.”

I reluctantly opened my hand. Anderson stepped back. He sipped his coffee.

He smacked his lips together and said, “Gas station coffee. It’s the worst.”

“What do you want?”

“Just giving you a little reminder of things. I get it, Kingston. You needed to unload your tank. That’s fine. But now it’s time to get right back with your club. I need some questions answered. Understand?”

“You don’t need to fucking remind me,” I said. “I know what I have to do here.”

“Excellent. I was just making my rounds. Maybe I’ll get an apartment here. It’s nice. Quiet. Beautiful view.”

“Stay the fuck away from Linds,” I said. “She has nothing to do with any of this.”

“Except you two end up together time and time again,” Anderson said. “I wonder what she knows…”

I put my finger to Anderson’s chest and pushed. “Hear me loud and clear. Stay away from her or else I won’t help you with a thing.”

“Fair enough, Kingston,” Anderson said. “I will be in touch again very soon. Not too soon. Maybe though.” He drank more of his shitty coffee. “Actually, before I go, I feel I should apologize. Showing up here like that. Unannounced. Creating worry and confusion. How dare I?”

I was perplexed. This guy was three screws loose with another ten hanging by one last thread. Or maybe he was just acting this way to try and mess with my head. If so, it was sort of working.

“What are you getting at now?” I asked.

Anderson reached forward and touched my shoulder. “Maybe it’s time for you to really learn the truth of your fallen brother, Tito…”


(Lindsey) *NOW*

IN MY DREAM, King was still inside me. Thrusting his beautiful cock. Grinding his sexy hips. Making sure there wasn’t an inch of my body that didn’t feel him.

When my eyes popped open, I expected King to be there, with me, touching me, having me. But to my surprise the bed was empty. I rolled to my side and grabbed at the pillow he had been sleeping with. I buried my face in it and took a deep breath of his sleeping scent.

It made my body quiver.

I climbed out of bed and stood there, naked.

It had been a long time since I slept naked like that. Especially with another guy. I gathered up the long t-shirt and put that on and nothing else. When I opened the bedroom door the smell of coffee hit me. I followed the beautiful smell to the kitchen where I saw a pan and eggs.

“King?” I called out.

But there was no response.

I checked the bathroom, the living room, and there was no sign of King. I went to the kitchen window and peeled the blinds open.

Jaxson Kidman's books