“What, King?”

“I didn’t mean to take off like that, okay? I just didn’t know what to do when I saw the ring. Christ, sweetie, I haven’t seen you in how long? And the first time I see you some asshole is throwing a backhand across your face. Then I see you’re engaged? That’s hard to swallow. I was supposed to be…” I shook my head. “Fuck it. It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I left.”

“Your face is glittering,” she said. “Where did you go?”

“A strip club,” I said without hesitation.

Linds shut the door.

I grabbed the knob and turned it. “Sweetie, I didn’t do anything. Trust me, I had the chance. There’s nobody I want but you. I’ve been inside all that time thinking about what I’d do to you if I got out. I’m standing right here.”

Linds opened the door again. She was wearing a white t-shirt that stopped just above her knee.

“I’m not engaged,” she said. “I never was. He gave me a ring as a promise. I was drunk and took it from him, like an idiot. All I’ve ever known is what my aunt has done in life. So I tried to find comfort when you weren’t around.”

“I’m here right now,” I said.

“For how long?”

“Does that fucking matter?”

Linds swallowed. “No.”

I stepped into the apartment. I shut the door behind me. I locked both locks, making it very clear that I wasn’t going anywhere for the rest of the night.

I had one clear goal in mind - to wake up tomorrow with my girl in my arms.

OUR LIPS and tongues fought as though the world was coming to an end. I put her on her soft bed and realized it was the first time I was touching a real bed in a long fucking time. Close to two years had gone by since I had to chance to be free, to be wild, to be a fucking outlaw.

But there I was, kissing Linds, my hands touching her soft legs.

She quickly made a move, grabbing between my legs over my jeans. I grabbed her wrist and put her hand to the bed.

I broke the kiss and stood up from the bed.

“No, sweetie,” I growled. “Tonight, I’m in complete control. You don’t do a fucking thing until I tell you too. Got it?”

“Yes,” she said. “Fuck, yes.”

“Take that fucking t-shirt off your beautiful body,” I said. “I need to see you before I taste you.”

Linds popped up to her elbows and thrust her chest out at me, fucking flirting with me. What a bold move to make. I fucking loved it. I reached for the bottom of the white shirt and stuck my hands right under. I followed her skin all the way to her bare breasts. It had been such a long time since I touched her tits. My big hands cupped her easily, just like before. I felt the stiffness of her nipples grazing against my palms. My cock slithered and twisted in my jeans, a beast ready to come out and play.

First things first though…

I slid my hands up even more and took the shirt up and over Linds’s head. How interesting she was wearing a white shirt. A color of innocence yet there was nothing innocent about what I planned on doing to her right then.

She remained on her elbows, staring at me. My eyes moved down to her perfect body. I loved the subtle curves of her waist. I loved the way her tits were firm, slightly parting left and right. Her nipples were a rich color with a light hue around her areola.

I watched her breathing, her belly rising and falling.

Her panties were a blood red color.

They were next on my fucking list of shit that needed to go.

Before that… I slid a hand to the back of her neck. I put my other hand to her left tit and squeezed.

“I fucking missed these,” I said. “Nobody ever better have them like I had or will have.”

“Never,” Linds purred, her breath spreading across my mouth.

She was addictive and seductive all in the same breath.

I fucking loved it.

“Good, sweetie,” I said.

I brought both hands down to the top of her panties. I tore those fucking things off like it was Christmas morning and I finally got to the best present. Oh, and trust me, it was the best fucking present.

Looking at her soft and moist labia made my mouth hunger worse than when I was in solitary and meals were sometimes skipped for a day or two. My tongue ran dry, a thirst raging from deep inside me.

“Oh, fuck, sweetie,” I said. “Look at that pussy…”

I dropped down to one knee before Linds, my hands racing up the insides of her thighs. I knew she was ticklish there and I felt her body vibrate. She sucked in a breath with a hiss, trying hard not to laugh or pull away. The second my fingertips touched her wet pussy, her body thrust, demanding more of me.

I put my pointer and middle fingers together on my left hand and hooked them, sliding up against her labia as though I was telling her to come here.

I pulled my fingers away and brought them to my nose. My eyes were locked to her eyes. Fuck, she had pretty eyes. The prettiest eyes on a woman ever. And if a smell could ever be properly described as pretty, that was her sweet scent. Better than ice cream on a hot day. I smelled her and then licked my fingers.

Jaxson Kidman's books