“We talked to Sabrina,” Slam said. “She’s yours for the night.”

I looked over my shoulder and saw the rest of the guys at the stage, drinking, whistling, enjoying the attention of four topless women. I walked up to the group and put my arms around them.

“What do I have to do to get a fucking cold beer around here?”

Ejiah reached to his right and took someone else’s drink. The guy turned, stared right at the group of us, and then put his hands up. A total dick move by us, sure, but goddamn it was such a great feeling to have such power.

I threw the beer bottle back, tasting its beautiful taste, my eyes locked straight forward right at a set of huge tits. Her left nipple was pierced with a ring. I could easily hook the tip of my tongue through that ring and pull hard enough to make her scream.

“And who are you, bad boy?” she asked me as her curvy hips jutted left to right. She ran her hands up her body, over her breasts, and into her hair.

Christ, her tits were so full that when she lifted her arms up, they were still firm and huge.

“Just got out of prison for murder,” I said.

“Oh, prison,” she whispered. “That sounds scary.”

“Not a chance,” I said. “What’s your name?”


“Of course it is.”

Ari flipped a ten to Serenity and tucked it into her g-string. “Hey, my brother here could use a little drink. And you know what I mean by that.”

Serenity smiled and leaned over the stage. She fell to her knees and reached for me. Her nails dug into the back of my head as she quickly cupped her right tit. She pulled me right to her tit. I smelled her warm, soft skin. The scent of a woman. It was delicious but not the meal I wanted.

A second later I felt someone pull at the top of my leather cut.

“That’s enough,” a voice said.

I spun around and saw another woman standing there.

“Who the hell are you?” I asked.

“This is Sabrina,” Matteo said. “You’re gift for the night.”

Sabrina ran one finger across my cheek and to my bottom lip. “You don’t get to touch or enjoy anything else but me, do you understand?”

“No, I don’t,” I said. “I don’t take orders very well.”

“Then that’s something we’re going to have to fix. Follow me, bad boy.”

Sabrina turned, tossing her bleach blonde hair all around. She was a tiny little thing with a beautifully curved ass that swayed left to right as she walked.

I followed her to a private back room where she pointed to a big leather chair. I took a seat and smiled, loving my life right then.

“I’m not going to fuck around, bad boy,” Sabrina said. She reached back and unhooked her top. She wiggled her shoulders and arms and just like that she was topless. “You like these?” she asked as she cupped her tits, letting her thumbs roll over her nipples.

“You know I do,” I said. “Quit with the dumb talk.”

“Oh, tough guy,” she said. “So what do you want me to do first?”

“You’re the expert. I’m just a criminal outlaw, right?”

Sabrina walked to me and climbed right up on me. Her hands touched my face. “But you’re so fucking sexy though, bad boy. I bet you drive all the ladies wild. Your cock has been everywhere, huh?”

She put the tip of her nose to mine and flirted. Her breath smelled like mint and her skin was like cherry. The combo, along with her slithering body against mine sent a simple message right to my dick.

I was hard within seconds.

No big shock there.

Sabrina rocked her body against the bulge in my jeans. Then she smiled and bit her lip for a second.

“Damn, you’re really big, aren’t you?” she whispered.

“You have no idea,” I said.

Her lips grazed my neck. Then she went to my ear. “My shift ended an hour ago, bad boy. This is all for me. Have what you want. Right now.”

I touched the small of her back, feeling her moving back and forth against me.

Goddamn, it’s been so long since I’ve had a woman like this… outside prison… a free man… no worries…

My grip tightened to her waist. I stopped her from moving. I pulled her as tight as I could. My dick raged, wanting to explore the depths of her pussy.

I put my head back and Sabrina looked down at me. Her blue eyes were full of lust, ready to fuck. She lowered her nose down to mine again. She gently rocked her chest against mine, pressing her tits. They weren’t big but they weren’t small. Nice and firm. They’d look great bouncing as she fucked me.

My hands eased down to her ass and that’s when I stood up. Sabrina locked her legs around me. I grabbed at her though and pulled her off me. I stood her up and walked her to a wall. I thrust my dick at her, holding her against the wall.

“Anything you want and need,” she whispered. “Just have me, bad boy.”

I gritted my teeth. I put my lips within a centimeter of her lips.

Then I turned my head away.

“Fuck,” I said.

“What is it?” Sabrina asked. Her lips were against my ear. “Tell me. Let me take it away. I can do anything to you and for you.”

That’s where Sabrina was wrong.

Jaxson Kidman's books