There he was.

In the front yard of the apartment complex without a shirt, without socks. His muscles were so beautifully structured it was like he wasn’t even real. A man stood across from him. Wearing a leather jacket, messy black hair, scruff on his face, holding a cup of coffee.

King grabbed the man’s hand and twisted it away from his shoulder. If push came to shove, King could lay the guy out with a single punch. The man posed no physical threat to King yet King still stood there, listening.

What the hell was this? Did this have something to do with him getting out of prison?

I stood there for another minute or so and then I saw King turn. I jumped back away from the window. My heart jumped up into my throat. I turned and went for coffee. I poured myself a mug and tried to play it all off.

The door to the apartment finally opened and King came rushing inside. He slammed the door behind him and froze when he saw me.

“Morning,” I said.

A smile climbed across his face. “Morning, sweetie. When did you get up?”

“A few minutes ago,” I said.

King came to me, his hands touched my sides, setting my body right back on fire. His morning breath smashed into my coffee breath as we kissed. There was nothing better than a real good morning kiss from someone you loved.

“I was going to make us some breakfast,” he said.

“I saw that,” I said. “And I also saw…”

“Fuck,” he growled. “Out the window?”

“I didn’t know where you were.”

“Sweetie, please…”

“Who was that guy?”

King cupped my face. “Do you trust me?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“Just answer it. Do you trust me?”

“Yeah, I trust you.” I have no reason to trust you, King, but I do. How messed up is that?

“Then trust in that I will tell you everything as you need to know. Right now, I’ve got to get ready and head to meet with the boys. We have some shit to go over. You feel safe here by yourself?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m good.”

“If that prick who smacked you even thinks about coming around, I’m going to kill him.”

“I don’t want to talk about him. Now, or ever.”

“Good. Neither do I.”

King moved his left hand from my face to over the coffee mug. He forced me to put it down. He reached down and grabbed the bottom of the t-shirt. Without hesitation he lifted the shirt right up and over my head. Just like that I was naked again. Standing there in my own kitchen.

King’s large hands started at my waist. One hand eased up until he cupped my breast while the other eased down and inside my legs, curling up as he grazed the outside of my wetness. I jumped and gasped when he touched me.

“That’s more like it,” he growled as his lips gently touched mine.

“What about breakfast?” I asked playfully.

King grabbed me by the waist and thrust me up onto the counter.

“I’m going to have mine right now,” he said.

My jaw dropped as he dropped down, his hands gripped at the inside of my thighs, pushing my legs wide open for his nourishment. A second later I felt the flicker of his tongue against my skin. I groaned and grabbed for the edge of the counter, bracing myself.

That was a good move by me because a moment later King’s wild mouth engulfed me. He suckled the juice from my labia and his tongue spread me, pushing inside me then curling and sliding up until he found my clit. That’s where he stopped and that’s where his tongue did the most damage.

Beautiful, orgasmic damage.

The kind of damage King had done to my heart a long time ago.

I wrapped my legs around his wide, muscular back and ground my pussy against his mouth. I stared down and watched as the outlaw ate me for breakfast.

His hands moved around to my ass and he held me right where he wanted me.

His powerful tongue wrote messages that I could never read but my body felt from the depths of my core outward.

His eyes looked up at mine. I looked down at him.

I never loved a man like I loved King… even if he was hiding secrets from me.


(King) *THEN*

I THINK Slam and Knox were as nervous as me. I didn’t show it though. I stood next to the bar with a beer in my hand. I waited for the chapel door to open and then I’d get word from Uncle Jakey on what the vote was.

In or out.

Member or prospect.

To me, I had done more than enough for the Reap to deserve a leather cut, but that was me.

The door busted open a short bit later and Uncle Jakey came walking out. He closed the door behind him. Uncle Jakey looked like a damn monster with the way his hair and facial hair had gone wild. He was the epitome of the biker life.

He snapped his fingers and pointed to Knox and Slam.

“Strip him,” Uncle Jakey said.

My two best friends had to listen as told. They grabbed me and tore at my leather cut. I dropped my beer, the bottle shattering on the ground. The all black leather cut was torn off my body and thrown across the bar.

“Vote is in,” Uncle Jakey said.

“And?” I asked.

Jaxson Kidman's books