November: Calendar Girl Book 11

Gripping his knees, I used my arms and the leverage of my feet on the floor to rock up and down his length. Seeing his slick cock disappear inside my body over and over acted like its own aphrodisiac. The more I watched, the wetter I got, and the harder I pushed on the down stroke. With each motion, Wes grunted, until I saw only him and his powerful shaft bringing me to ecstasy. Everything in my mind and body was focused one hundred percent on the slide of flesh on flesh. Filling myself with Wes was like nothing I could explain. Every down stroke was shear heaven. Every retreat and loss of his flesh utter hell. Pleasure tipped with pain.

“Look at that. So beautiful. Watching you take me inside, getting yourself off on my cock, makes me so hard. I can’t wait to shoot so far up inside you that you’ll have a permanent reminder of me for days.” His voice was rough, mimicking the grip his fingers had on my hips.

I moaned, the thought catapulting me into a frenzy of need and desire. Something inside me just lost it, and I started making animalistic noises like those from a hissing, angered cat.

“Oh, yeah, you’re right there. I can tell.” Wes bit down on his lip and looked down between my thighs. “Love that cherry-red button just begging for my touch. If I could be in two places at once, I’d be sucking that clit so hard you’d scream the house down.” He lifted his thumb to my mouth. “Lick it.”

I did as he ordered, sucking the salty digit into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it until I couldn’t help but bite down on the bit of flesh. He grinned. That smile was my undoing. I jackknifed up and slammed down, grinding against his pelvic bone as much as possible, mindless in my pursuit to get what I wanted. To soar as high as he could take me. Wes sucked in a harsh breath through his teeth. He was so damn deep. It felt like his cock was spearing into the heart of me. So good.

“You want me get you off? Make you scream?” His face was a mask of pure lust. Those gorgeous eyes that controlled half my thoughts were slits and mostly black. His mouth was slack, his bottom lip moist from endless drugging kisses.

I shook my head. I wanted to scream more than anything else in this world, but I didn’t want to do that while an entire room full of people could potentially hear us. As it was, everyone was already going to know what we were up to, and somehow, that thought made it even more powerful.

“All right, sweetheart. I know what you need.” He put his wet thumb directly over my clit, clamped his mouth over mine, and flicked my clit in a repeating pattern.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and squeezed the life out of him as a monster orgasm tore through me. I cried out, but his kiss muffled every sound, swallowing my orgasm down like it was his right, and it so was.

Just after I came, he pulled me off his wet cock, spun me around so that I was up on my knees, shoved my tiny speck of a thong down my legs, spread my ass cheeks, and plowed into my * from behind.

“Wes!” I cried out at the intense intrusion. Because I sat on the bench, knees so close together, it was a much tighter fit and he was well endowed.

Wes leaned over my back and whispered in my ear, “If you don’t want the entire world to know what’s going on in this room, I suggest you be quiet.”

“But I can’t,” I whimpered weakly and wiggled my ass so that he’d move inside me. I’d already come, but the new sensation and fit was too much to ignore. I needed him again. Always needed more.

He nipped at my neck and shoulder. “Okay, fine.” After a moment of rustling followed by a clanking noise, Wes handed me his belt folded in half. “Bite,” he said, as he held it in front of my mouth. The moment I clamped down, he pulled back and out all the way to the wide knobbed head where he stopped just inside of me. “Gonna take you hard now, Mia.”

When Wes said he was going to take me hard, he fucking meant it. I had enough time to clench my teeth tighter on the belt and to grip the padded bench before my entire body shifted forward at the power behind his thrusts. I grunted loud, but no cries slipped out. He rode me hard, all the while speaking endless filthy accolades about my body, the way I felt wrapped around him.

“Oh, yeah, that will do just fine.” He palmed my ass, smacked each cheek a few times until the space between my thighs was soaking wet and dripping down my legs. My bum was on fire from the sensual spanking, but it all just added to me losing my mind in the lust haze that Wes always put me in. With no further words spoken, Wes gripped my hip with one hand, my right shoulder with the other, and began to pound me into next week.

In the peripheral edges of my mind, a banging sound registered, but I didn’t care, and apparently, neither did Wes, though I think he mumbled something. I didn’t know. All I knew was my man was hard as a rock and his cock pummeled that spot inside that made me see stars.