November: Calendar Girl Book 11

I bit down on that hunk of leather as the pleasure splintered through every pore, fingertip, and out my toes. When he was close to exploding, he reached around, set two fingers over my clit, and rubbed me into oblivion. That’s all it took to send me into orbit once again. As I came, my body squeezed his cock for all it was worth, and he gripped both shoulders and held me. Rooted deep, he stirred his dick inside me, allowing my body to milk his cock of every drop as he let go, shooting his seed deep inside me. Fucking beautiful.

While I attempted to catch my breath, I found that my forehead was plastered against the red bench, Wes was hunched over me, and his hands were busy. This was something I looked forward to during our lovemaking. He loved bringing me back from the pleasure abyss with featherlight touches all over my body.

“Gotta admit, that was a damn fine idea, but someone came to the door for us twice. Then I heard Anton unlock it and peek inside before slamming it tight, saying it was break time for another twenty minutes.” He chuckled against my sweaty neck.

Shit, I wonder if I’m going to need to change my shirt. The thing was likely wrinkled and wet with sweat.

“You make me crazy,” I said, after I’d gotten my breathing under control. “Stop surprising me with sexy gestures and alpha jealousy tendencies that make me want to jump you. One of us needs to be the adult in the situation.” I frowned and pushed back, trying to get him to slip out of me, even though I was content just where I was, kneeling on the bench, ass in the air, my man’s body draped over mine. Unfortunately, I did have a job to do and some crow to eat.

Wes chuckled, slipped out, and demanded I not move. Before I could figure out what he was doing, some sort of soft cloth was clearing away our combined releases from between my thighs. “Okay, you’re as clean as you’re gonna get.”

I rose, tugged up my flimsy panties, stepped over one side of the bench, and pushed my skirt back down. I could feel my hair was bouncy and ratted at the back where he’d gripped it a few times. My ass was scalding hot from the spanking, and the space between my thighs was downright tender, swollen, and sore when I moved my legs together.

“Shit. I’ve just been properly fucked, and I have to go film a segment. There are twenty people out there waiting. What the hell was I thinking?” I swiped at my hair, trying to flatten the rat's nest.

Wes grinned, put away his cock, and grabbed his belt. He traced the indentations from my teeth on the shiny leather side. “Hottest fucking thing ever. I’m totally wearing this all the time,” he announced.

I, on the other hand, was fuming. “You didn’t have to fuck me all crazy, here of all places. Jeez, Louise. I could lose my job.”

“Mia, you started it, and you’re not going to lose your job,” he said as he threaded the belt back through the loops. “You’re making them far too much money, and besides, you’ve got something all of those other segments don’t have.”

I placed my hands on my hips, cocked a hip, tilted my head, and busted out the daggers. “Which is what?”

“Me.” He smiled wide and with an ease that I adored. Since his return, those smiles were starting to appear more frequently, and with each new one I believed a bit more healing was taking place before my eyes.

“And how does that help?” I knew the answer already.

He scoffed. “Hello? Award-winning movie maker here. Remember, I’m editing your segments with you.”

I pretended to think about it for a few moments as if weighing whether or not he was helpful. Oh, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that his skill was making me very popular in television and with the Dr. Hoffman show. So much so, that other television shows and production companies had been sniffing around. One even talked about offering me my own daytime show like an Oprah or an Ellen type of vibe—basically, everything I ever could want handed to me on a silver platter. Wes and I were considering our options together as a new family, debating what did and didn’t work in our day-to-day lifestyle. The answer still hadn’t come, but I had time. I was committed to Dr. Hoffman for at least the rest of this year and into the next.

“Hello, ego, I’m Mia.” I made a snotty retort to get his goat.

He shook his head. “Oh, you are so going to get it!”


“Oh, yeah. When you least expect it, too.”

“Um, I think that already happened.”

He laughed, yanked me against his chest, and kissed me soundly. “That was incredible and worth every bit of hell we’re going to get.”

“You are not wrong.” I grinned.

“Come on. Let’s go smooth over the team. I’m thinking a round of beer and pizza after shooting.”

“That ought to do it!”

I was getting to know my crew, and they seemed like a bunch of sports loving, beer drinking, down to Earth folks who loved to eat pizza and shoot the shit with celebrities.

* * *

“Welcome Anton Santiago, everyone, better known to the world as the Latin Lov-ah. I got one of my big breaks in the entertainment world after starring in your video this year for a song that did very well, I understand.”