November: Calendar Girl Book 11

He turned me around, settling me firmly into the comfort of his arms. “I love it, Mia, and I love you.”

Man, Wes seemed to make a point to tell me he loved me more often. I’d never tire of hearing it, either. “Thank you. Now let’s move on to the next location. I’m thinking Empire State Building will be fun!”

He chuckled. “I see what you’re doing.”

I waggled by brows and grinned. “Seeing the sights and doing my job at the same time. I call that a two-fer!”

Wes pulled me close once more and kissed me. Fully. Deeply. Completely.

* * *

Hand in hand, Wes and I made it with the crew to the very top of the Empire State Building where I found an older couple who looked to be in their eighties. They eagerly agreed to let me interview them. Once everything was set up, and with the couple standing in front of the New York skyline, the cameras were set to roll.

“I’m here with Xavier and Maria Figueroa on the top of the Empire State Building. We’re here in one of the most iconic places in all the world to ask you what you are thankful for.”

The man held his wife’s hand up to his lips and placed a long kiss to the top. “I’m thankful for my wife, Maria. We have been married sixty years. She’s given me four sons to be proud of, kept our home while I served sixteen years in the armed forces during the Vietnam War, and has stood by me through the good times and bad.”

He turned his head and held her cheek with a shaking hand. “You are my only.” He kissed her softly as tears streaked down her wrinkled face. Her white hair was pulled up into a perfect bun and shone against the now sunny New York sky.

When they faced the camera, he handed her a cloth handkerchief that she'd probably ironed for him. She blotted her eyes and smiled at me.

“Now, Maria, I’m certain it’s hard to follow that one up, but can you tell me why you’re here today on the top of the Empire State Building on a snowy, sunny day?”

The woman smoothed her hair and looked out over the horizon. “We come here every year, once a year on the same day.”

“And the significance?” I urged.

“It’s where my Xavier proposed to me over sixty years ago. We live just outside the city, and once a year each November on this very day, we come here to give thanks. To one another and to the city for providing us with such a beautiful place to live. We don’t have much, but what we lack in monetary or modern conveniences, we more than make up for in love. Isn’t that right, dear?” She squeezed closer to her husband who his arm around his wife.

“Absolutely, my love.”

* * *

“So we’ve done Rockefeller Plaza and the Empire State Building. What’s next?” Wes asked as we got into our rented van.

I grinned and placed my hands on the seat front in front of me, practically hopping out of my seat with excitement. “The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, of course!”

Wes rolled his eyes. “You are such a tourist!” He grabbed my hand and lifted it to his mouth for a kiss the same way the husband did to his wife up on the Empire State Building.

“Totally! And I’m not ashamed. I’ve been to the city once before, but the circumstances were not great.”

The memory of Aaron’s grabby hands pressing me into the concrete wall of the library near Grant Park sent a shiver of disgust through me. Wes felt the change too, if his clenched jaw and tight lips were any indication.

He shook his head. “Never again. I’ll protect you with my life,” he grated through his teeth.

I petted his hand and squeezed it for good measure. “I know. I know. No worries. This trip has been nothing but amazing. I got engaged to the man of my dreams…” I knocked my shoulder into his, trying to lighten his irritation at the reference to my attack. “We got to hang out with some of my best friends. And I’m here with you, interviewing people about what they're thankful for while seeing all the best tourist locations of New York City. What could be better?”

He let out a slow breath. “You’re right. This is pretty great. I’m glad I came with you.”

I snuggled against his side and let his warmth feed my soul. “Me too.”