November: Calendar Girl Book 11

I worried my lip and stared into his beautiful green eyes. “But, but, what about the blood-sucking paparazzi? They’ve been after you for weeks. Won’t this give them more ammunition to sling at you?” I frowned, nervous that Wes had made a whopping mistake. I could change it, by not airing the end of the show, even if it would put our ratings into the stratosphere. Wes’s health and happiness were not worth an extra couple million viewers.

Wes shook his head. “Mia, this is going to do the opposite. It will give the paps something happier to focus on than all the deaths and the shitstorm that went with what happened oversees. Gina is barely hanging on by a thread. You know why?”

Even the simple mention of Gina DeLuca’s name sent a shiver of dread rippling up my spine and made gooseflesh appear on my arms. I clenched my teeth and tried to pretend it didn’t bother me. “No. Why?”

He cupped my cheek. “Because she doesn’t have something beautiful to hold onto every night. I do, and I want the world to know it. Give those flesh eaters something more powerful to cling to. I have no problem talking all day long about how much I love you and my plan to make you my wife.”

I sighed. So different than the way he’d been in January. Ten months ago, he’d been laser-focused on work and the movie. Now, it was all about me. “If you think this will help you heal, I’m right there with you, holding out my left hand for everyone to see.”

He grinned. “Good, because we have an interview set up with People Magazine.”

My eyes widened.

“I’m not going to talk all about us.” He waggled his eyebrows to try to lighten my instant fear. The man knew me too well. “I also plan on talking a little about what happened over there, how I’m getting help, and maybe it will give some others who are fighting PTSD another reminder that people really do care and what they experienced isn’t who they are. It’s something that happened to them.”

A lock of his hair fell into his eyes, so I pushed it back. Flickers of that time without him prodded at my mind, bringing with them a gush of horrible memories. God, I didn’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t come home. I wouldn’t be where I was today without him, that’s for sure. I definitely wouldn’t be this happy. I was surprised every day by how much I loved my life and how my luck had changed exponentially from when I started this journey almost a full year ago.

I leaned up and kissed him, wanting to put everything I had into that kiss. The pride I had in him for every step he took toward healing, for the magic I believed we had in our relationship, and most importantly, the love I held for him. Sometimes it felt so powerful I didn’t know what to do with it. But right then, in front of the crew, Mason and Rachel, and everyone else, I kissed my man for all he was worth. He growled into my mouth and dipped me over his leg. The applause throughout the room was deafening.

“Damn, lucita, I’m late for the party! Is there a line I should stand in? You dolling out besos? If so, I’m next!”

Anton’s booming voice startled me enough that I broke the kiss and laughed into my man’s mouth. Wes scowled and then smiled, showing me he was getting past Anton’s incorrigible nature towards all women.

“You are late, as in by two full hours. What did you do last night?”

He grinned that sexy smile that set panties to the soak setting. “I think the better question would be, what didn’t I do last night?” He clucked his tongue and lifted his eyebrows.

Sighing, I shook my head. “Come on. Let’s get Kathy to mic you up so we can start your first segment.”

“So no beso then?” He pouted dreamily.

I rolled my eyes and cast a glance at Wes.

“No fucking beso. If you want to keep your lips intact, buddy, you’ll keep your comments to yourself,” Wes growled in Anton’s direction.

That made Anton stop, cross his hands over his chest, tip his head back, and crack up laughing. Full-on hyena action happening right in front of us. “Sorry, amigo, no offense. I love how protective you are of our Mia.”

Wes cringed. “You mean my Mia, Anton. You’re skating on thin ice with me as it is. Now, I’ve been cool with you, but seriously, you need to keep your shit in check if you don’t intend to start something.” Wes’s voice was cutting and abrasive. There was absolutely no reason for him to be so harsh.