November: Calendar Girl Book 11

Mason nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Well, you should know. You’re the woman who set us up!” He laughed and chuckled.

“This is true, but you’ve been very private about your relationship since you and I dated back in April. The masses are probably pretty surprised by this information. I can almost hear the hearts breaking across the nation as we speak.”

He slapped his knee and coughed into his closed fist. “I think it’s about time the world knew just how committed I am.” His words were confident and cocky, as usual.

“Well, folks. You heard it here first. And as an extra special treat, Mason Murphy is going to introduce the world to his fiancée after this commercial break. Stay tuned!”

“And cut,” said the director.

I hopped up and whooped. “This is so fantastic!” I squealed, looking for Rachel among the crew to see how she reacted to him spilling the beans.

“Rach, come here. Come sit down.”

Rachel had been standing off to the side, watching nervously. I could tell she didn’t like how the segment started because I could feel the tension pouring from that side of the room. However, Mace and I agreed that it was time to make the world see that our time together wasn’t a big deal, plus he was very tired of keeping what they had more private. Sure, there was talk of her being his girlfriend, but they’d never confirmed it. The smut mags had some pictures from times they’d been out together but again, no official word had been given until now. It was easy to pawn any sightings off as him meeting with his PR team.

“What are you doing?” She grabbed Mason’s outstretched hand as he pulled her down to sit on the couch next to him.

“I’m tired of pretending. You’re going to be my wife next year. I want the world to know it. No more hiding. No more denying. I’m done with all that. A new year is on the horizon, and I want to spend the next season with every woman in the world knowing I’m yours. Better yet, I want every man knowing all of this”—he ran his hands down her back in a suggestive yet still not completely inappropriate way—“is all mine.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know about all this.” Rachel bit down on her lip, clearly worried about how the fans would take this new information about his personal life.

He grinned and looped an arm around her waist, pulled her right up against his side, and kissed her cheek. “Well, I am. Let’s do this, Mia.”

“You got it, Mace.”

The cameras turned back on, and the camera guy held out his hand and counted down to one from five.

“Welcome back to our special episode of Dr. Hoffman called ‘Be Thankful.’ I’m sitting here with Mason Murphy, recently called the best pitcher in the history of baseball, who has something to share with our audience. Mason, can you introduce the beautiful woman you have sitting next to you?” I suggested.

The cameraman moved, and the spotlight shone brighter over my friends. “Of course. This here is my fiancée, Rachel Denton. She runs all my PR and works for my publicist firm. I gather right about now she’s probably pretty mad you and me for conspiring behind her back to make this announcement right now, but I don’t care.”

I laughed. “Don’t be mad, Rachel. Mason wanted to surprise you.”

Rachel smiled, and her cheeks turned a rosy pink as Mason squeezed her shoulder.

“So Mason, the nation knows that you’ve been single for a while. How do you feel about finding the lucky woman at your side?”

“You know, Mia, I feel thankful. Rachel is my perfect better half, and I can’t wait to make her my wife.”

I licked my lips and watched as Mason wooed the world and his girl in an interview that would be broadcast on national television.

“Okay, Mason, now that you’ve dropped a bomb so big that all the single women in the world will be crying into their Cheerios, let’s bring it back to topic. We’re finding out what our celebrity friends are thankful for. You’ve mentioned your fiancée already, which I totally agree with. Rachel is something to be thankful for! But what else?”

Mason sat back and pursed his lips. “Good friends, my fans, the team, the sport as a whole. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t had a love for baseball. Most of all though, I’m thankful for my family—my dad, brothers, and niece. Aside from Rachel, they’re my world.”

“Thank you, Mason, for sharing the news of your impending nuptials with the fans of the show. I wish you and Rachel a very long and happy marriage.”

“What about you?” he added, and the cameras kept rolling.

I looked around the room and back at Mason, who had a huge shit-eating grin on his face. The same one I’d offered to smack of his handsome face more than a time or two. “Um, what?”

Rachel’s mouth twisted into a snarky grin. Yep, these two were definitely made for one another. Cockiness marries snarkiness. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that’s a very specific style ring on your finger there,” Rachel said, sweet as apple pie and just as sugary.