November: Calendar Girl Book 11

I licked my lips as I took in the eye-candy that was my fiancé. Jesus, he could be a male model, only with some serious bulk. Those hours upon hours of surfing did wonders for his physique.

“Of course, sweetheart.” Wes sat down next to me, grabbed my ankle, and ran his hand up my calf. It wasn’t a sexual caress, but my body couldn’t tell the difference. The instant his hand touched my skin, a warmth I couldn’t ignore spread from where his hand touched me and up through my entire body.

Think, Mia. Okay. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what I wanted to say.

“Honey, you’re scaring me. What is it?” Wes's tone held a nervous edge. His fingers dug into my chin, not hurting, but definitely bringing me back to the present moment.

“Why are you so insistent on getting married so quickly?” My words released in a rush.

Wes’s shoulders slumped. He rested his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands.

“Wes, baby, what is it?” I crawled over to him on the bed and ran my hand along his back.

“It’s not that we can’t wait. I know we could spend some time planning, but Mia, Jesus, after the time I spent locked up…the only thing that gave me hope was thinking of you. You were my constant. I had to survive. I just had to because I wanted to be there for you more than anything.”

“Wes…” My voice cracked as I laid my forehead against his back and held him from behind. “I’m so glad you’re with me and that we have this time together to plan our future.”

“So you see, it’s not that it needs to be rushed, I just don’t want to waste one more minute of my life than I have to with you not being mine. Marrying you, putting that ring on your finger was all I thought about when it got really bad. I imagined a hundred ways I could ask you. A hundred ways you’d respond, but in the end, in bed where it was me and you, away from all the therapy, the stress of my job, of my family, I knew it was the right time.”

I kissed his back and let his words sink in. He didn’t want to waste another minute more without me. It wasn’t about jealousy or rushing into something. It was about commitment. Being with me. Me being with him. Us being one. A family.

“Okay. So that’s it. We’ll get married on our beach in Malibu and head to your parents' place for the reception. You wanna make our lists of guests?”

He flipped around, flung me onto my back, and was between my thighs in a flash. Talent was one of the many reasons I loved my guy.

“We’ll make the lists after.”

I waggled my brows at him. “After what?” I asked coyly.

“After I fuck the hell out of my fiancée.”

The words rippled through my chest and tingled all the way down to the heat between my thighs. “I think that’s doable,” I agreed and smiled, lifting up toward his mouth so I could kiss him.

“No, Mia. You’re doable,” he quipped, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.

I groaned and wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing him closer. “Then do me,” I said, breathless.

“With pleasure.” He growled.

“Who’s pleasure? Mine or yours?” I quipped, giggling, loving this light side to our passion.

He grinned. “Ours, sweetheart. Always ours.”

Chapter Four

A week later, the studio team arrived at Anton’s penthouse at the crack of dawn. Anton wasn’t even awake yet. Apparently, he and Heather had torn up the town with a few other music industry folks. Still, he let me use his pad to film the segment and interview both him and Mason there. Heather was awake of course, looking rock star chic, even though I could see the tinge of purple under her pretty blues. Her make-up was dialed in and her outfit was on point as usual.

I wore what I considered a very sexy black pinstriped pencil skirt, black knee-high boots, and a white silk blouse that had ties that wrapped around the neck. A chunky red bracelet and necklace completed the look. It must have looked pretty sexy. Wes practically assaulted me when I came out of the bedroom this morning before leaving the hotel. His hardened shaft was evidence enough that he desired me, not to mention the way he’d pulled me against his body and palmed my bum with both hands, grinding up against me like a sex-starved maniac. It took every ounce of control I possessed not to let him take me right there up against the wall in our suite. Alas, I was very determined to knock out this segment quickly, spend time with my friends, and head back to my personal o-trigger detonator. I swear, the way Wes looked at me half the time was enough to set my loins ablaze.