Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

“I haven't ever been with a man,” I said, slowly pulling away from him. This time, he let me.

His handsome face lit up like I'd just offered him three wishes. “You're an asshole, but I like you, Jackson. You scare me because I can't stay away. I'm sorry I freaked out.”

No, really, I thought. He didn't deserve an apology. But I didn't deserve to lie to myself any longer, living on nothing except fantasies and fears.

Choosing my next words very carefully, I looked at him softly, and let honesty roll.

“Whatever else this is...maybe I do want you tonight. Just to get it over with. Get rid of this stupid crush, and get on with my life.”

“We can make it happen, babe. Make all your dreams come true tonight, and so much more.” He smiled, stepping toward me, running his big, powerful hands up my shoulders again. His fingers curled up my neck, cupped my chin, and held me. “You're too damned beautiful to waste another night a virgin, Summertime. You give that * up, I'll make it purr. I'll make you scream. I'll make you come on my cock so fuckin' hard you see more stars up there than dim lit sky. You'll forget all about the shit that's eating at you, and you'll walk away a woman, no worse for wear.”

Why I believed him, who the hell knows. I let him kiss me, softer and slower than before, and soon he led me outside into the night.

By the next kiss, I surrendered. How could I do anything else with my heart smashed up in a thousand pieces and the immaculate night sky glowing above?

Any woman would do the same. Anybody young, who hadn't had a good thing happen since that night he took me out three long years ago, and buried my woes in his lips.

“Baby, baby, fuck. I'm gonna make you feel so good. Better than any man ever will,” he growled, taking his hungry lips off mine just long enough to gaze into my eyes.

His were so dark. So hungry. So wild.

“Big promises,” I said, moistening my lips with my tongue. “Why don't you shut up and show me?”

I offered him what I'd wanted to give up for three damned years.

His hand pushed against my back, bringing me home. Our lips connected, hotter than before, melting what little resistance I had left.

He could pretend to kiss me like a lover, a man who cared, the other piece of me I'd been missing for so fucking long.

Well, so could I.

I'd give him the hot, wild time he wanted tonight, before he left me behind for a second time. He'd love my body like he wanted more. I'd fool myself into thinking he did, knowing this might be the last time I'd have something I truly wanted, or at least an illusion so real I could hold it.

My lips moved against his, opening for his tongue.

Faster, harder, sweeter. His kisses came in waves, all consuming and all conquering.

Joker's hand swept up my thigh, rounded its way to my butt. He cupped one side of my ass and squeezed, feeding the wet craving between my thighs.

Whatever else he'd do to me tonight, he'd worship my body the way it deserved. I'd give myself to a man who knew exactly what he was doing, who'd probably done it a thousand times to a thousand different women.

That thought made me hate him. But as twisted as it was, I wanted him even more just then.

“You fuckin' been lying to me, or what? I have to know,” he snarled, suddenly pulling his lips off mine. “You kiss so damned hot it's hard to believe you ain't never been fucked before, beautiful.”

I blinked in surprise, noticing how badly I was panting in his arms. His fingers clenched my leg so hard I thought it would bruise, and I shuddered.

Lying? No, hell no. I shook my head.

“I like you, idiot. Enough to tell the truth,” I said, staring into his eyes, fire roaring through every part of me. “I want you. Badly. Joker, dammit, no more games. I've been waiting for this for three long years. Haven't had time for anybody else. I've been waiting for you to come to your senses. Waiting for you to come back and take what's been yours since that night when we kissed, when I was just a high school kid...”

If he walked away now...holy shit. My hands crawled up his back, stopping along his shoulders, where I grabbed him and dug my nails in.

I wouldn't let him leave. We'd gone too far to give this up a second time.

He moved like a panther. Snarling, ripping at my clothes, jerking me onto his lap.

“Three goddamned fuckin' wasted years,” he rumbled, sliding my jeans down around my ankles, then reaching for my panties. In one furious push, they were down my legs, leaving nothing between my wetness and his hand. “Been waiting for this a long ass time, little Summer. I've been jerking off thinking about you, and thinking about you again when I'm balls deep in those sluts who can't even hold a fuckin' candle to what you've got...fuck me alive! You've got it all.”