Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

My cock hammered in my pants the whole damned trip.

I snuck glances at her in the mirror every few miles, catching her doing the same to me. Her fingers moved along my abs, pressed tighter with every turn when the mountains bent the roads.

I'd sworn I wasn't gonna fuck her. I'd blown town and left her behind, ignored her for three fuckin' years because I wouldn't be the bastard to bring her more grief.

Tonight, I was very close to smashing that promise into a thousand pieces.

A man had needs the faceless sluts back at the club couldn't satisfy. They could suck me off a thousand times.

None of them would be half as exciting as having her pretty little lips wrapped around every inch of me.

I could fuck the whores 'til my limbs gave out and I collapsed, drenched in sweat, gasping for air. But spending myself in their well fucked cunts wouldn't be like lightning crashing through my skull – exactly how it'd be with Summertime's smooth, milky legs wrapped around me, watching her eyes roll back in her head when she came on my cock.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

My eyes darted around the countryside, looking into the fields between the valleys. It'd been about a year since I'd come down this route. Last time, it was just a night drive, when we were staying at grandpa's place, Piece's fuckin' snoring keeping me up.

There had to be an abandoned farm around here somewhere. My memory was hazy, but I pressed on, going by faith I wasn't wrong.

A couple miles later, I found it, taking the overgrown path up toward the ruined buildings.

Summer put her face against my shoulder and whimpered a little from the bumpy ride. Sounded a lot like the sound I imagined her making when she blew. My blood became lava.

Christ, I had to fuck this girl tonight, and deal with the consequences later. At this rate, I'd crawl over broken fuckin' glass for a piece of her.

Just one intense, unforgettable night out here in the country, between me, her, and the stars.

Pulling to a stop, I killed my bike's engine and helped Summer off, throwing her helmet in storage.

“Perfect spot for a beautiful night,” she said.

“No.” I held up my hand. “Perfect spot for a beautiful lady.”

I tested her, trying to see how well she could hide her attraction. No surprises, she flunked. Summer's cheeks went beet red, reminding me of that poor, sweet kid I'd passed up years ago. Her eyes dropped to the ground 'til I took her hand again, leading her toward a hill behind the collapsed barn.

A quick climb later, we dropped down onto the grass, laying there like some shit out of a movie. The pinprick stars in the sky glowed like snow that wasn't ever coming down.

“What kinda boys you been riding with while I've been away?” I asked, turning toward her.

She smiled. “Just the older guys down at the VA. Saw your granddad a couple times, too. He's doing well for a man his age.”

“Fuck yeah, he is,” I growled, a little too enthusiastically for my own good. “The man's pressing eighty and he'd still be riding himself if we let him. Just works in his shop and rents out his kennel now. He's paid his dues and earned it.”

Summer nodded, the same mysterious smile hanging on her lips. Damn it, she knew too much what was going on in my head.

It was nothing short of a relief to find out her motorcycle riding was limited to the old farts going for joy rides in the country.

But, fuck, why was it a relief? This shit wasn't good for me.

I could deal with the animal need to fuck. This other feeling, this jealousy, the green anger I kept trying to ram down into my guts – this bullshit was new.

“What's happened to you? How's your ma?” I already knew the answer wouldn't be a good one, but I had to know what the fuck had happened for sure.

Her face went dark. “She passed away about six months ago, about the time Uncle Robby decided to call it quits with the bar. Screwed up colon. She hid how bad it was from me up until the last year, when she went into hospice.”

I preempted that teary look on her face, pulling her into my arms. Grabbing her chin, I twisted Summer's face to look at me, taking in every little feature here in the moonlight.

Fuck me, the girl was beautiful. No, not just a girl anymore – a woman.

One who'd taken a couple real punches from life. Something about that sadistic hurt caused me to love how she looked even more.

“Babe, there was nothing you could've done. Don't you dare beat yourself up.” She nodded, slowly opening her eyes to meet my gaze, sucking gently on her bottom lip.

“I know. I don't blame anybody. I just wish things were different, Joker. I wish she didn't have to die so young, or at least that she didn't go down fighting it so hard for so many years.” No hiding the stinging wet gleam in her big green eyes now. “It isn't fair. Just like the bar closing down, right before I was about to take it over.”