Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

Each thrust a little harder, a little more strewn with his hot, thick breath warming my face.

He dipped his head and kissed me. We twined tongues while the fire in my body rose with every stroke.

He rocked me like the machine he was, completely built for this, made for fucking a woman's body into full submission.

And God, did I surrender to it all.

I gave it up, gave him everything, moaning while my greedy * tightened around his cock. My body wanted to pull him deeper, feel him explode inside me.

We rocked, sweated, and gasped in between fresh kisses on the grassy hill. Even the coolness underneath my back couldn't quell the heat now.

It came ripping through my veins like liquid fire, calling for release, turning my muscles to stones one thrust at a time. I bucked desperately into his hips, fighting through the initial hurt in my body.

His thrusts turned pain to pure pleasure like coal turning to diamond. I was the anvil, and he was the hammer, his huge, beautiful body slamming into mine until every part of me glowed and ached.

A minute later, I had my hands around his neck, tightening my legs around his back. He was fucking me so hard and fast it should've hurt. His thick balls punched my ass each time he drove into me, quickening the staccato rhythm between us.

My mouth opened a little bit at a time, too full of shock and awe to brace for his kisses. He must've sensed what was happening. He stopped mid-stroke to reposition us, raising himself up, throwing my trembling legs over his shoulders.

When he drove into me again, that fiery itch I'd had rising erupted into lava.

Sweet. Merciful. Fuck.

Pleasure couldn't describe the ecstasy tearing through me anymore. His body swept mine up and crashed into me again, smothering me with pleasure, igniting every nerve I had with a delicate, needy sweetness that hit my brain in a fireball.

The flame building in my belly exploded.

Yes, yes, shit yes!

My mouth formed a perfect circle while I clenched him with everything I had.

My hands, my feet, my poor little *, totally overwhelmed with every thrust...every part of me, I wanted tangled up with him, so lost in his body that I couldn't find where mine ended and his began.

His stamina was relentless. I expected him to slow, to crash, to climax with me, like two great waves crashing together.

Instead, he fucked me straight through my climax, smashing his mouth down on mine and pushing his body faster.

Yes, faster. I lost my mind, feeling him spiking in and out of me, pounding my hips into the soft, sweet earth.

Halfway through it, I bit into his bottom lip, desperate to keep breathing as his earthquake shook me apart.

His fist pulled angrily at my hair. “You're fuckin' lucky I love those little teeth, Summertime. Next time you do that shit, you better draw blood. I'll fuck you even harder when you do.”

Harder? Harder?!

Was he out of his mind? When his hips sped up again, I knew he wasn't.

My legs could barely stay tangled around him as he pistoned his hips full throttle.

Joker fucked me into the ground. My hips slid against the earth, tearing up the grass, consumed with the pleasure swallowing me whole.

Bastard. Even during sex, I wanted to keep fighting him. I couldn't let go of the love-hate insta-connection we had.

Nothing – not even this mind blowing sex – could wipe away three years of mixed emotions in one go.

And so, I held on tight, fucking him back as hard as I could. When he kissed me, I returned it like a whore, throwing off the shy, virgin shackles that ruled me for so long.

He wanted teeth? I let him have them.

I bit his lip so hard I tasted a metal. He growled like an animal into my mouth, fisted my hair, and pushed both our heads to the ground. The leverage only got his cock inside me deeper, like a railroad spike slamming through steel.

God, that piercing on the tip of his cock, I could really feel it now. The soft, silvery little bullet attached to him caressed me from the inside out; hot, tingling, and magnificent.

My nails racked his back. He grunted each time he thrust, all the way to my womb, shaking me with all the force his hips had.

“The fuck's gotten into you?” he whispered, tearing his face away from me so I could see that tiny cut I'd left on his bottom lip. “You wanna play rough, Summertime? You sure you wanna fuckin' do that?”

“You know I do,” I said, speaking through the lightning coming quicker in my body. “If that's what it takes to make you come with me this time...”

“Fuck,” he growled. “Fuck!”

Next thing I knew, he'd pulled out, flipping me over like a tornado.

He pushed his palm on my back and grabbed my hair, causing me to arch onto all fours. His palm cracked across my ass before he pushed inside me again, snarling as he did, my hair more tangled than ever in his hand.