Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

He sucked and lashed each breast until I couldn't think. My brain shut down, lost in this delight, my body rising and falling and always asking for more, more, more.

I squirmed underneath him, wide eyed, caressing my hands up his back like scaling small mountains.

His legs pushed between mine. He rubbed the hard, needy bulge in his jeans against the wet, tender skin he'd just tormented so deliciously.

“This is really it, isn't it?” I whispered, more to myself than him.

“Summertime, you've got no fuckin' clue. I'm gonna teach you everything a woman your age oughta know about her own sweet body by now. First things first – shut up and taste yourself on these lips.”

He kissed me, forcing another growl into my mouth. His tongue swept over mine, more possessive than before, and that was saying something. His lips moved like a firestorm, scorching every millimeter, taking what they wanted.

So hard, so swift, so sweet.

Joker pressed me into the earth, dry humping me with rougher strokes, making my wetness soak into his pants. I'd never been so thankful for the cool bed of grass below us, or the soft breeze caressing my skin.

If it wasn't for that, I was sure we would've burned alive.

“You on the damned pill?” he growled, his fingers tangled through my hair when he jerked my face away from his.

Desperately, I nodded, my hips still bucking, rising to meet his, begging.

“Good. 'Cause I'd have taken you raw even if you weren't, beautiful. Nothing's too good for this * but skin-on-skin.”

He lifted himself up and I watched him roll his shoulders. His cut came off. He lifted his t-shirt, taking away everything with the violent skulls and smoking pistols.

There were plenty more waiting on his skin. Dark, jagged inks rolled down his rock hard chest and tight packed abs, the one I'd caressed all evening on the back of his bike. The Pistols' skull leered at me, a strange dance between beauty and death, everything that was quintessentially Joker painted on his magnificent body.

I never thought my first time would be with someone like him, looking like a pirate.

But there he was, on top of me, larger than life. I watched as his belt buckle came loose, slapping gently on his jeans.

He shuffled out of his denim and hooked his thumbs below his boxer's waistband, wearing the most arrogant smile I'd ever seen on his face. Then they were down too, and I saw what he'd been hiding.

I gasped when I saw the little silver bullet gleaming on top of his huge, throbbing manhood.

“Is that –“

“Fuck yeah it is, baby, and you're gonna moan yourself hoarse when you feel what it does to you,” he said, fisting his cock in one tight hand. “Just got it last year. Precision made to stroke your little * 'til it creams, screams, and creams some more. It hits all the right buttons and then some. Don't start drooling before you feel it...”

Asshole. Who did he think he was? Really?

Apparently, the man who was about to fuck me out of this universe.

Leaning up, I slapped his chest, and he caught both my hands. We tumbled down into the grasses again together, him wrestling his way between my legs, pushing the angry, pierced head of his cock against my opening.

He held his length there, wedged between my folds, teasing me as he shoved my hands over my head.

No going back now.

Hell, I couldn't even think about it, feeling the burn, the ache, the agony rising in my core. Muscles I didn't know I had tensed, whining to be fucked like never before.

“This fuckin' cherry...mine,” he growled, angling himself up, cocking his hips backward like a trigger on a gun. “Your lips, your tits, your whole fuckin' guessed it, babe. Mine.”

As soon as he said it, his hips punched forward, pulling him into me. I jerked underneath him, overwhelmed by the sudden sensation of him invading, stretching, pulling me apart.

Pleasure mingled with the slight discomfort. Something tore the deeper he went, snaking to my womb, claiming everything he'd promised. My * tingled, hotter than ever, struggling to adjust to his huge size.

When he'd gotten as far as he could, he stopped, holding himself in. Both of us stared at each other, our chests rising and falling, taking as much of the coolness into our lungs as we could so we wouldn't combust from our inner heat.

“Fuck, you're tight. Roll with it, baby girl. Feel me fuck you every time I dig in and out, and you fuck back. This is the best fuckin' night of your life, and I'm gonna make damned well sure you remember every smokin' second.”

Lofty promises that could've put the devil himself to shame. The evil skull on his chest with the smoking guns next to it seemed to agree, grinning wide.

This cocky biker bastard and his promises.

I should've known by now he'd make good on every single one of them. His hips rolled, and I watched his big slab of a chest swell as he inhaled new breath.

Joker's cock dipped back before pushing into me again. Then it happened again.

