Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

“Fuck me like the greedy little bitch you are,” he said, his voice as rough as his hips crashing into mine. “Fuck me. Make me come. Show me what you've got, Summertime, or I'm gonna tan this little ass 'til you can't sit for a fuckin' week.”

God! The savage threat ruined me.

Orgasm rose up and lodged in my belly, stretching to my throat. I dug my fingers into the ground for precious support and rocked my knees as fast as I could, slamming my ass into his pubic bone, fucking and grinding him like I'd lost it for good.

Hell, maybe I had.

Good girls didn't fuck like this.

Virgins never did.

They didn't give into all the filthy, nasty things they'd read in dirty books and fantasized about when the man they desired stepped into their dreams.

They didn't surrender this easy, this crazy to a man who'd use them as nothing more than another notch in his bedpost.

But out here on the grassy hill, with his pierced cock wrecking my better senses, nothing was off the table.

I became someone else underneath him. And after all the bad news I've lived through these past three years, I loved it.

I let it happen.

Panting like a mad woman, I started growling too, thrashing with my hair in his fist every time he filled me with his cock.

“Fill me,” I said, barely recognizing my own voice through the chokehold pleasure had on my neck. “I want to feel you come. Do it, goddamn you!”

“What the fuck did you just say?” he whispered, slowing his strokes just enough to leave me on the edge, burning up.

“You. Heard. Me.”

“Yeah,” he said, making his thrusts slower, shallower, his free hand reaching between my legs. “Maybe I did, babe. Maybe I fuckin' did. Maybe you're about to get shot so full I knock your * up.”

Damn! Why did he say that?

His thumb found my clit and my entire body seized. His fist jerked hard, pulling my face up to the open sky, where I saw the stars above us becoming bright and thick as a blizzard.

“Joker! Jackson! Holy hell!”

Never knew how I managed to sputter through the blinding pleasure picking up and slamming me back down again. I barely felt Joker's thumb brushing my clit anymore, but I knew it was there from the shocks exploding in my body.

His insane talk about knocking me up, that had to be fantasy. But in the heat of the moment, my body didn't know that. I gave in, and let him ravish me, anyway he wanted.

He fucked me fierce.

He fucked me rough.

He fucked me until I came crashing down, wrapped around his cock, panting his name through clenched teeth.

I didn't think it could get any hotter. But then he came.

Oh, God. Shit.

The bastard buried himself to the hilt and roared, lifting my face to his with my hair locked in his stern fist. His lips touched mine the second he swelled inside me. He sucked every last desperate sound from my body when he erupted.

“Fuck, little Summer, I'm coming! Spilling the whole fuckin' load inside you!”

Fire. Hot and brilliant and intense as the stars spinning above us poured into me.

My * clenched and convulsed all over again.

Locked together, we thrashed and bucked and came.

Kissing and biting. Gasping for air. Calling each other's names in guttural, scratchy voices so wracked with pleasure they were barely coherent.

But my body understood with every shallow stroke he made inside me while he emptied his balls.

I finally understood what this was really all about as his seed leaked into me, flooded me, filled me so full I could feel him pouring out the crevices in our flesh.

He fucked me so hard I tilted my hips, giving up one last round of bliss, before we both collapsed, exhausted and overflowing.

Sometime later, he rolled off me. We both sucked the sweetest tasting air ever into our lungs, staring up at the star scape rolling by above.

“It's beautiful, isn't it?” I asked, tilting my face toward him.

“Not half as pretty as the shit happening down here on the ground,” he growled, so convincing I thought he was serious.

I slapped him on the chest with my hand and laughed. “Oh, come on. Stop. We've already done the deed, Joker. You don't have to keep saying that stuff.”

“Don't fuckin' have to, but I will, babe. It's true. All of it.” He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me onto his chest, cupping my ass with one hand. He squeezed.

“You know, you're kind of a dick, but so far...I don't regret this,” I said, mulling over my words. “I was afraid I would, as soon as it was all over.”

“Over?” He quirked an eyebrow. “We ain't half done fuckin' tonight, babe. I'm thinking I won't be done even then, neither.”

“No?” I said, surprised.

“Nah. Piece and me are gonna be held up here in town for the next few weeks, staying at Grandpa's place. Club business,” he growled darkly. “Sure I'll find some time to slip away for more enjoyable shit. Now that my favorite watering hole's gone bust, I'm gonna need more than just knocking back shots at home.”

I laughed, squealing playfully as he tightened his hold on me.