I focus on work. That’s always a good outlet. It’s productive and motivating. But even after acing my presentation at the convention, I feel stressed. There’s a meeting on Monday and I have to be prepared, but with thoughts of Logan and the prospect of dealing with Ian on my mind, it’s going to be a struggle.

I’m on edge and afraid of losing my job. I was hired as a temp, so I'm essentially on a probationary period. All signs point to me being just fine, but I’m feeling so damn insecure. Even though after how good I did with my presentation, I should be more than fine. I guess I'm worried because after losing Ian, my job is the only thing I have left.

At this point, I need my job just to stay sane, I tell myself as I pick at the loose thread on the tablecloth. I need a new one. I need a new everything.

Definitely a new man… like Logan. I wish I were back in Logan’s bed, being devoured, feeling wanted. No man has ever made me feel like that before. I felt... powerful sleeping with a man of his stature.

I shake off the desire and the guilt from leaving.

It’s best that I left the way I did and nipped that in the bud. A relationship between us would’ve ended badly anyway. I could easily see myself getting attached to him and then being discarded like yesterday’s news. I don’t need a man right now. I run my hands down my face and get up as I hear the coffee machine spurting out the last few drops.

I don’t need anyone. I pour a ton of sugar in my mug and then stir it up before sitting back down.

Monday morning will be here before I know it. Then I can stop all this worrying and just focus on work.

I take a nice, relaxing sip of coffee and already feel a little better, so I check my phone. Still no message from the asshole even though it’s marked as read. Fucking hell. I slam it down on the table and grip my coffee cup.

“Whatever,” I mutter, resisting the urge to send him a particularly nasty text. I am a better person than this, and I do not need to lower myself to his level.

I get up from the table and walk into the living room and take my anger out on Ian’s box instead, delivering several sharp kicks to it. My coffee’s in my hand and the first kick sends a little spilling over the side of the box. I don’t care. I use the inside of my foot so it doesn’t hurt. Or maybe I’m just not kicking hard enough since there’s only a small pathetic dent in the side of the cardboard. Whatever. I feel better. Sort of.

Not nearly as good as I felt last night.

If being with Logan taught me anything, it’s that Ian didn’t know a goddamn thing about putting it down in the bedroom. Just thinking about it causes my pussy to throb with need and pain, a reminder of how hard Logan fucked me. Shivers tingle down my spine and send goosebumps over my body.

Shit, I need to go upstairs and work until I pass out and get him out of my head. It’s the best thing for me.

Pushing Logan from my mind, I check all the messages on my landline and make sure the doors are locked before turning in for a long night of work. As I climb the stairs to my room, I realize getting Logan, his powerful body, and his massive cock out of my mind will not be an easy task.

It’s definitely going to be a long weekend till Monday.

Chapter 11


Thank fuck it’s Monday. Getting Logan off my mind… well, it didn’t happen. I got a ton of work done and even forgot about my asshole ex. But every time I fell asleep, I dreamed of Logan’s touch. That’s not a good sign. And waking up horny and lonely is not a good combination.

As I climb out of the car and head to the building, I know I need to immerse myself in work and forget about both Ian and Logan.

I walk into the office building, shoving the door open with my forearm as I carry my daily morning coffee in one hand, and a paper bag with a tempting donut I couldn’t resist in the other, and do a double take.

What the fuck? I think in panic. There are boxes everywhere. Literally, everything in the front room is packed away. Feeling weak in the knees, I lean against the doorjamb, my breathing coming in shallow gasps, my heart pounding.

Oh my God! I yell in my mind. The company sold out. There were rumors last week of a buyout, but I thought they were just rumors. Fuck!

As I try to calm my racing heart, I think of every other place close by that I can apply to. I need a job as soon as fucking possible. But there’s literally nowhere else. I know. I fucking applied practically everywhere two weeks ago!

“Are you okay?” asks a familiar voice near my ear.

I jump and let out a little cry of surprise as I drop the bag with my donut. “Jesus, Eva!” I complain, turning to face her with my hand over my heart.

Willow Winters's books