My breathing is frantic at the feeling of him pushing in me to the hilt and I feel his thick cock pulsing against my tight walls.

He gently kisses my neck and my shoulder as my body trembles beneath his.

His large frame moves away from mine, leaving the cool air to kiss my skin. He plants a single kiss against my lips and I easily return it. It’s a tender touch, one I wasn’t expecting.

As the highs of my orgasm come crashing down and slowly leave me in waves, I realize what I’ve done. I pull up the covers a little higher and wonder if I should leave.

I can hear the muted padding of his footsteps against the tiled floor as he turns on the light to the bathroom and faint light floods the room. I see my clothes on the floor. And suddenly I feel cheapened.

I knew what I was doing.

I try to calm myself as he comes back into the bedroom. His corded muscles ripple as he walks to the edge of the bed. It dips with his weight as he peels the covers back. His eyes are on my face as he does it, as though he’s expecting me to protest, and a part of me wants to.

He runs a damp cloth between my legs and kisses my neck as I wince. I’m already a bit sore. I already feel regret working its way into my consciousness.

My body stiffens as he gets off the bed and leaves me with my thoughts.

I need to get out of here the moment I get the chance. And forget this ever happened.

Chapter 9


My Rose shifts in my arms. She hasn’t been still since I crawled into bed next to her. Something’s off. Everything was exactly how I imagined it’d be. Until it was over.

I keep my breathing steady and eyes closed. I pretend like I’m asleep. I’m not though, and I haven’t been. I don’t sleep well at all, let alone with someone next to me.

I know she’s going to bolt. She’s a runner. That’s easy to tell. I don’t mind, because I know she won’t be running far. Come Monday, she’ll be in my building and I’ll have more control of the situation. Right now I’m limited.

The comforter moves slowly down my body as she slips out of the bed and lets a gentle chill in. There’s a soft creak from the bed and she stills. Her breathing is the loudest sound in the room. After a moment, she finally moves. I can hear everything she does. I can practically picture her slipping her clothes into place as the sounds fill my ears.

She’s sneaking out. I have to force myself not to smile at the thought. If only she knew.

I open my eyes to peek at her as I hear her walk over to my desk. What the fuck is she doing?

Everything I have is password-protected, so that doesn’t matter, but if she’s snooping then I have a much larger problem on my hands. Although, that could work to my benefit, but that wasn’t the kind of relationship I had in mind.

My heart squeezes slightly in my chest as I hear her pick up her clutch off the nightstand. She’s leaving. It’s amusing in some ways, but disappointing in others. I wonder for a moment if she thinks this is what I want, or if it’s her preference to leave.

I suppose it doesn’t matter though. This will be the first and last time she slips out on me.

I wait a minute as I hear the door open and close with a faint click, leaving me in silence. She left. I’m not completely surprised, but it does cause a stir of emotions that I’m not fond of. There’s a reason I stopped forming any attachments. People are good at leaving.

Once I’m sure she’s not coming back, I move from the bed and walk straight to the desk to see what the hell she touched. A sticky note is affixed to the top of my laptop.

Sorry I slipped out, I had to go. Thank you for last night.

I huff a humorless laugh and run my finger along the feminine script. She’s a runner, but I already knew that. I wasn’t expecting this; it doesn’t change anything though.

A wicked smile turns my lips up. She’s going to be shocked on Monday. More than that, pissed.

I’m looking forward to the fight though. I know there will be one, and the thought makes my dick twitch. I look back to the empty bed and rumpled sheets. If she were here now, I’d take her again.

I’d make sure her sweet cunt was so fucking raw tomorrow she thought of me every time she sat down. It’s a tight fit with her, so hopefully I left her so fucking sore it lasts until Monday.

My smile fades, and I toss the note to the desk. She’s not here, and she’s not mine yet.

But she will be.

I walk to the bathroom, stretching and remembering how good she felt beneath me. She was everything I wanted. I flick the light on and dig in the travel case on the counter.

It’s only a matter of time before I have her again. Next time, she won’t slip out in the middle of the night.

I look down at the pill case as I pop a tab open, revealing the brightly colored pills and hate that I have to take them. I hate it all. I hate myself more.

I’ve set the pieces in play for her downfall. All because I selfishly want her.

Willow Winters's books