I don’t get time to admire the stunning view, because suddenly Logan is pressed against me, sending my body temperature soaring and his lips pressing hungrily against mine. His hands find my ass cheeks, gripping them tightly before lifting me into the air and my legs wrap around his waist instinctively.

He pulls away from me for a moment, keeping me perfectly balanced. Below, I can feel his big, throbbing cock pressing against my pussy, demanding entry. Fuck! God, I’m so wet for him. I suck in a heavy breath, my chest heaving with desire.

He carries me up the stairs to the loft, holding me firm every step of the way and kissing along my neck. I struggle not to squirm in his embrace as my nails dig into his crisp white dress shirt. He kicks the door shut and throws me on a king-size bed in the center of the room. I bounce on the bed with a gasp and I look up at him as he stands above me, his huge cock pressed against his slacks, my breathing a series of desperate pants.

For a moment, I’m filled with fear at what’s about to take place, but burning desire sweeps it aside as Logan slowly takes off his tie and then his shirt. My legs scissor on the bed as I sit up and take in the sight of him. His muscles flex as he tosses his shirt to the floor. My pussy clenches around nothing. I push the hair off my neck, feeling hotter. I feel like I’m on fire.

It’s just one night.

It feels so wrong, having a one-night stand. But I'm dying to have one with a man like him. Especially knowing he wants me as much as I want him. And no one will know. My fingers reach for the buttons on my blouse and I slowly undo them with trembling hands.

His eyes stay focused on mine. His heated gaze is a trance pinning me to the bed to do his bidding. He won’t let me go.

As the silky fabric slips off my shoulders and the blouse falls into a pool around me, he makes a move to come closer for the first time. He unbuttons his pants and shoves them down as his lips attack my neck. He ravages me while he rips my bra down and sucks a nipple into his mouth.

My head falls back and soft moans spill from my lips, along with whispers and pleas for him to do what he wants to me. To take me. I don’t recognize my own voice. I don’t recognize the woman I am, caught in the heat of the moment and desperate for him.

My clit’s throbbing as he pushes me farther up the bed and pulls my skirt down over my ass and off of me. I’m so hot for him. So wet. He groans as he cups my pussy, the thin lace the only thing separating us.

I expect him to rip them with the way he’s handled me so far. But he doesn’t. He sits back on his heels, and that’s when I realize he’s completely naked. I can barely breathe as his fingers slide gently up my thighs, leaving goosebumps and shivers up my body,

He gently pulls the lace down my ass and I have to lift up slightly for him to pull them off. His eyes stay on mine. My chest rises and falls harder with each passing second. I can’t believe I’m doing this. He reaches over to the nightstand and I can’t quite see what he’s doing, but the sound of a wrapper makes it obvious.

Shit, I didn’t even think about asking. What am I doing? As my body heats with anxiety, he pushes my legs farther apart.

I start to prop myself up on my elbows and think about backing out. It’s all too fast, too soon, but his lips crash against mine and his large hand grips my hip, holding me down.

My body melds to his as he lowers his chest to mine. He nips my bottom lip as he pushes the head of his cock just slightly into my pussy. My body begs me to move, to take him in deeper, but his grip on me is relentless.

His large body cages mine in and the look in his eyes takes my breath away.

“Tell me again,” he says and his deep voice vibrates up his chest. His eyes are the brightest I’ve ever seen as he stares at me, willing me to obey him. It takes a second for me to realize what he wants to hear.

“I want you,” I say, and as the last word slips past my lips, he slams into me. His large cock fills me almost to the brink of pain. My back bows and I let out a strangled cry of pleasure. So full, so hot. He stays buried deep inside of me, letting my walls adjust to his size before pushing farther in. My legs squeeze around his hips and my toes curl. It’s too much. I whimper as he pulls out slightly and then pushes forcefully back in.

He groans in the crook of my neck, “I knew you’d feel like this.” I wish I could respond. I try, but nothing comes out. My neck arches, forcing my head to dig into the mattress as he fucks me at a merciless pace.

He kisses my neck as my head thrashes and he thrusts over and over into me.

My nails dig into his back as I grip onto him as though he can save me from the overwhelming sensations threatening to consume me.

His pace picks up and forces a scream from me. My body heats in intense waves as my nerve endings ignite all at once.

He rides through my orgasm, thrusting his hips at an angle that brushes against my throbbing clit each time. Pushing my orgasm higher and stronger, and dangerously close to too much.

“Logan!” I scream out his name as another release crashes through me.

Willow Winters's books