She glares at me, only turning me on more. “Don’t play coy. I lost my train of thought because of you.” There’s a small smile to her lips, letting me know she’s not truly angry.

I grin and say, “It’s not my fault that you’re attracted to me.”

“I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself. I said you made me lose my train of thought, not that I wanted to sleep with you.” Her eyes stay fixed on the back of the bar.

My grin grows wider. “So now we’re talking about sleeping with each other?”

A bright blush colors her cheeks and she doesn’t respond for a moment.

I wait for her to look at me. “Tell me why,” I say and stare into her eyes. She’s defensive and that’s fine, but she’s also turned on and right now that’s all I need her to be.

“Why what?” she asks without moving an inch. That guard of hers is about to crumble around her.

“Why you lost your train of thought when you saw me.”

She tries to look away again, but I place my finger on her jaw and tilt her head to face me. “You did the same for me. It’s only fair that I affect you just as much.”

Her lips part and her eyes heat with lust at the knowledge I’ve given her, but she still doesn’t respond. “Tell me why, my Rose.”

“I don’t know,” she finally answers me.

“I can tell you why,” I say. “You want me.” She purses her lips and goes silent, clenching her thighs and licking her bottom lip. She fucking wants me. And just as much as I want her.

I lean forward. “You know what I think? I think you would love to get to know me, that you could learn to love me being your boss.”

Her breathing is coming in heavier.

“Tell me,” I say and my command brings her eyes back to mine. I want to hear it directly from those beautiful lips of hers.

“I think I’d get in trouble if you were my boss,” she says and her breathy words make my dick hard as fucking steel.

“Is that so?” I ask her calmly, moving my hand to her thigh and brushing my thumb back and forth against her bare skin. I lean forward and whisper into the crook of her neck, “I think I’d like that. In fact,” I say and pull away to look at her face. Her head’s tilted back and her eyes are half-lidded, but then she slowly tilts her head forward and looks me in the eyes. “I’d fucking love it,” I conclude.

“We shouldn’t do this,” she whispers, but I can tell her defenses are nonexistent. She’s inches away from being mine.

“We should be doing exactly this. I want you.” I brush the pad of my thumb along her bottom lip and add, “Tonight.”

Chapter 8


Although I’m walking with confidence behind him, I’m a ball of nerves on the inside. I shouldn’t be doing this. It’s reckless. Stupid, even. But my primal needs are winning the battle with common sense. I’m so messed up over Ian, I feel like I need this. I need Logan.

His hand splays across my back as I stand next to him at the elevator. I peek over my shoulder toward the entryway. I don’t want anyone to see. This will look bad. My panic rises, but then Logan leans into me, so close I can feel his hot breath on my neck, sending shivers down my back.

“Relax,” Logan says to me, his voice deep and sexy, the sound causing prickles to go up all along my arms. God, I could just melt into him. What’s worse is that I can’t think of a reason not to. As my eyes close with lust, the doors open with a loud ping, knocking me out of my trance.

He pulls me into the elevator, pressing me up against the wall.

A feeling of panic surges through me, telling me to get the hell out before the door closes. But I fight the need to run as the doors close slowly and his large body cages me in.

What's so bad about giving into my desires?

It’s just one night.

A night in Vegas.

What happens here, stays here. Right?

There’s nothing for me to worry about.

The thought gives me the courage to reach up and spear my fingers through his hair as he leans in for a passionate kiss and the elevator climbs the floors. I open my mouth wider and let him in, arching my body and moaning into his mouth.

His hands roam up my side, causing me to lean into him. I want him to take me. Right here, right now.

The elevator reaches his floor as I’m clawing at the buttons on his shirt. I pull away from him, breathless and nearly gasping, and he leads me down a long, ornate hallway to a large door.

He’s hasty with getting the key into the door, his other hand holding mine, and when he opens it my breath catches in my throat. It’s a penthouse suite, with floor-to-ceiling windows, a vast open floor plan, and stunning contemporary furniture.

Holy shit, I think to myself. This place is incredible. Luxury. It oozes luxury the way he oozes power.

Willow Winters's books