We share a nervous smile and then continue on to the hallway and enter an elevator. Thankfully, no one else gets on, and it’s just the two of us. Eva presses the button for the top floor, and the door slides close.

As we rise to the top floor, I start feeling even sicker with anxiety. This is a big day for me, and I don’t want to fuck it up somehow. I keep feeling like something bad is going to happen and I’m going to end up without a job, even though I should be confident in my abilities. It’s because of Logan. I have no clue what he’s going to say or do when I see him.

By the time we reach the top floor, I feel like I’m going to hurl.

Seeing my worry, Eva gives me a pat on the back before we leave the elevator. “It’s gonna be okay,” she assures me. She has no fucking clue.

I’m a ball of nerves as we enter the new boardroom. I literally feel like I’m trembling all over. For a moment, I want to run away and flee the building.

You have to stop this, I tell myself, steeling my resolve. You are in control. There is nothing you can’t do.

As we make our way to two empty seats around the large mahogany meeting table, my heart skips a beat.

Logan’s sitting at the head of the table, looking sharp as a tack in his grey, crisp business suit, his hair gelled and slicked to the side. God, he’s so fucking handsome. He looks like he owns the entire room, like corporate royalty. I can feel his eyes on me, boring into me with an intensity that causes my skin to prickle.

I’m forced to look away, my cheeks burning, my mind filled with images of our night of hot sex.

I don’t know how I’m going to get through this, I think as I lower myself in my seat and place my briefcase on the floor next to my chair, doing my best to avoid his gaze. Honestly, I feel like Logan can make me cum by just looking at me. Lord knows how fucking horny I am, having thought about his hot body and massive cock all night. I couldn’t help it. I almost didn’t come. But I need this job. If I didn’t, I would have quit the second I found out he was my new boss.

Unconsciously I bring my thighs close together and my pussy clenches with need. Shit, my panties are wet. I’m annoyed by this, but I can’t help it. I’m practically burning up with a desire that’s almost painful.

In fact, if I were a guy, I’d have a case of blue balls right about now. The funny thought does nothing to ease the tension running through my body.

Noticing my obvious discomfort, Eva glances over at me. “You alright?” she asks softly.

“Yeah,” I say, my voice strained. “Just a little nervous.”

She smirks and nods toward Logan while leaning in and whispering, “He’s absolutely gorgeous, isn’t he?”

You have no fucking idea.

“Fucking fabulous,” I mutter, keeping my eyes carefully in the safe zone.

Luckily for me, the meeting officially begins and several speakers get up to talk about the merger, going over the finer details of the contract. A lot of it was already told to us by Hastings and is outlined in the pamphlets we received the day prior.

I concentrate on keeping my eyes on the speakers, until the last one sits.

Logan rises to his feet and speaks for the first time. His rough baritone voice sends shivers through my body. He stands tall and commanding. It’s obvious that he’s the one in charge, and he should be.

I try to ignore the effect he has on me and when that doesn’t work, I try to ignore him entirely, concentrating on the table, the blank projection screen behind him. The beautiful wallpaper in the room. Anything and everything except for him.

He begins announcing job positions of his new employees. I listen intently, half marveling at how sexy and deep his voice sounds, and half wanting to get up and run from the room. I don’t expect Logan’s going to call my name for anything important, and if he does, I’m convinced he’s going to regulate me to an intern position just to put me in my place for slighting him. The thought makes my stomach twist with anxiety. I fucking hope not. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle myself if he does. Thoughts of trying not to call him out and making a fool of myself run rampant in my mind.

When he says my name, however, I almost need to be picked up off the floor.

“Miss Harrison is the new head of the sales department,” Logan announces, turning to look at me with a mischievous smile, his eyes sparkling with mirth.

Almost immediately, Eva gives me a congratulatory pat on the back followed by a thumb up, her eyes sparkling with pride. “Congrats, girl!” she whispers fiercely. “You deserve it.” I feel all eyes in the room on me and several of my coworkers start whispering amongst themselves. And I can't blame them, I had only just stared at Armcorp's a few weeks ago.

Willow Winters's books