Monday (Timeless Teaser)

“Best friends have each other’s backs, of course. But they don’t fight battles for each other.” She went back to eating like the conversation was over.

I knew it was pointless to argue with her so I continued eating. “Let me know if you need anything.”


Silence fell across the table for several minutes. Usually it was comfortable, but now it was just awkward.

“Anyone in your life right now?”

“No.” That was always my answer. I didn’t have relationships, just a string of weeklong escapades.

“You aren’t seeing anyone?” Skepticism was in her voice.

“I never see anybody.”

“You know what I mean, Hawke.” She gave me that look that told me I couldn’t hide.

I never talked about this kind of stuff with her. It made me feel guilty for reasons I couldn’t explain. “Here and there…”

“I don’t want to infringe on your lifestyle. If you want to go out or bring someone here, I can leave.”

That’s the last thing I wanted. “No, I like being here with you.”

She picked at her pasta but didn’t eat it.

“If I wanted to leave, I would just go and not say a damn thing to you.” I didn’t mean to be so hostile, but this was a topic I didn’t like discussing—at least with her. I felt ashamed for what I did on my own time. She didn’t judge me for it, but I knew she wanted me to have more than meaningless sex.

“I was just asking as a friend…no need to get upset.”

I had a bad temper. Sometimes it went out of control and I couldn’t calm myself. It was one of the worst attributes I had—and I got it from my worthless father. “I’m sorry. I just don’t like talking about it.”

“You just called me your best friend. And best friends tell each other everything.”

She had me cornered. “I was with this girl last week, but I dumped her. I’m alone right now.”

“Brittany?” She remembered the name from the text message.


“The girl we saw at the restaurant?”

Why did she have such a good memory? “Yes.”

She continued to pick at her food. “Did you hook up with her after our date?”

“What kind of question is that?” My temper flared again.

She stiffened at my outburst. “I’m sorry…I take it back.”

Now I was being a dick to the one person who actually liked me. “No, I didn’t hook up with her. I came home and beat off in the shower.”

She held her fork in her hand and didn’t make a move. Her eyes were downcast like she was in shock.

“You asked…”

“I just…never mind.” She shook her head and kept eating.

I sipped my water while examining her face. I didn’t care about not censoring my thoughts. People’s opinions meant nothing to me. And she knew how attracted I was to her. I pressed my hard dick against her on our first date and made it clear just how turned on I was. “Thank you for dinner.” I wanted to say something to break the silence.

“Of course.” Her eyes were still glued to her plate.

“You really lighten the place up around here. It smells like flowers all the time.”

“That’s just the smell of a clean home.”

“Well, I like it. I need to get a maid or something.”

She finished her plate then wiped her lips with a napkin. I spotted the movement and wondered how my lips would feel pressed against hers. Would it feel just as good as last time? Or would it feel better?

I had a feeling it would be better.

“I’ll do the dishes tonight.”

“I don’t think so.” I shot her a glare that told her I wouldn’t change my mind. She could be stubborn, but I was more stubborn. “You cook and I clean. That’s our arrangement.”

Francesca recognized the determination in my voice. “Fine. I’m going to start a load of laundry.” She left the table and walked down the hall.

My eyes moved to her figure. She was all curves. She was lean and limber, but she had strength in the right places. Her thighs were toned like she went running often, and her ass was firm and lifted. My eyes took it in as it swayed back and forth slightly. When she disappeared around the corner, my eyes were devastated from the loss.


After I brushed my teeth, I got into bed beside her. This was my favorite time of the day. A beautiful woman shared my bed, and not just any beautiful woman. I didn’t usually snuggle, only when I thought the girl would throw a hissy fit if I didn’t, but I liked doing it with Francesca.

It felt…nice.

Once I was under the sheets, I turned on my side and stared at her.

Her face was freshly clean from washing it, and the make up was gone. She looked so beautiful without it that I wasn’t sure why she wore it at all. Her eyes sparkled on their own, and her flawless skin was fairer than a porcelain doll. When girls wore too much make up, it was a turn off for me. If they had to wear that much, they must be really hideous without it. Francesca looked like a supermodel all on her own with no one’s help.

She was all natural.

She released a quiet sigh. It was barely audible. “What are you thinking?”

E. L. Todd's books