Miles Away (Carrion #1)

Letty didn’t hesitate. Maneuvering herself around the caddy, Letty rushed past Miles and Fish and darted for Miles’s car.

“You mess wit’ her, you mess wit’ me!” Miles barked as he gripped Fish up by his collar. Fish grimaced as he stared up at Miles.

“Fuck you, Capadonno!”

As quickly as Miles had lifted him up, Miles dropped Fish to the ground, his head cracking against the concrete pavement. Placing his boot on Fish’s neck, Miles looked down at him without a shred of kindness.

“Don’t cross me again. You’ll be one sorry motherfucker.”

Letty hurried up and buckled her seat belt as Miles cut across Mulberry Avenue towards the car. Dante had hobbled off into a side street, and the Fish was still lying on the pavement in agonizing pain. As Miles lowered himself into the car, he immediately grabbed Letty’s face, his bear paw sized hands inspecting her, making sure that his girl was okay.

“Are you all right?” Miles asked Letty with a look of worry in his eyes.

Nodding, Letty smiled at Miles with a look of turmoil in her eyes.

If it wasn’t for him, I’d be in deep shit right about now.

Running her hands down the length of his face, Letty looked up at Miles with a meaningful gaze.

“I am now, Miles…”

It took everything in Letty’s power not to let her emotions take over and allow herself to break down into a puddle of tears.

“Why the hell are they after you?” Miles asked.

Letty stalled for a moment, unsure if she should tell him.

“Letty… you need to tell me,” Miles persisted.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Letty knew that she couldn’t withhold this information from Miles.

He’s the one person who can help me. He’s the one guy other than my dad who has always had my back. Trust him, Letty.

Running her fingers through Miles’s hair, Letty stared up at Miles with fear visible in her gaze.

“You drive. I’ll talk.”


CORINA ROARED AS THEY ripped down Mulberry Avenue. Giving Letty a wary glance, Miles’s knuckles blanched as he gripped the steering wheel. Continuing to wait for her to tell him what was going on was utter torture. Letty’s lips were taut as she stared out the passenger window, her reflection appearing nervous and frightened.

As Miles approached a red light at the intersection of Mulberry Avenue and Cornwall Street, he reached for Letty’s hand. Removing her shaking hand from her lap, Miles held it in his own, in a protective embrace. After a moment, her trembling ceased.

“Letty…” Miles said with a nervous edge to his voice. “You need to tell me.”

A meaningful sigh escaped from Letty’s mouth. Cutting a charged look at Miles in the dark of the car, Letty finally broke her silence.

“I just got you back. I don’t want you getting into hot water again…”

Her gaze cut Miles like a knife. Glancing over at Letty as his heart panged with guilt, Miles quickly set the record straight in a no bullshit tone.

“Letty… I just shot two guys who were trying to snatch you. You’re worried now? I opened fire with twin Berettas in the middle of Town Center… Imagine what I would have done if they had actually taken you. Start talkin’….”

Letty snapped back, “I don’t mean with the police and you know it!”

Letty had a look of reproach on her face as she glared at Miles.

I know the implications of the look that is painted on her face. I know that trouble had found Letty, despite her best intentions. It has something to do with my father’s “business,” I just know it. Why else would Dante and the Fish be after her? I saw the text message. I’m not dumb, far from it. Working at the Capadonno compound, I’m sure there have been plenty of shady dealings that Letty has seen and heard that were considered sensitive intel. The thought of what she might have witnessed causes my blood to churn into a rolling boil, Miles thought.

Releasing a deep sigh, Miles replied sternly, “Out with it, Letty.”

Rubbing the side of her face, Letty’s eyes took on a terrified tone.

It bothers me that she is so upset. It bothers me more that my father and his associates made her that way.

“Miles, I’ve worked for your father for a very long time,” Letty began.

“I heard,” Miles replied. “Go on.”

“It’s been seven, going on eight years now. I’m his nurse. I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement before he’d let me even step foot inside of his foyer.”

“No surprise,” Miles added bluntly. “The old bastard has plenty to hide. That NDA obviously isn’t going to keep you safe.”

Giving Miles a scathing look, Letty placed her hands on his chest and said, “Miles, I don’t think this was your father’s doing…”

“I know what I saw, Letty…”

Exchanging a hard glare, Miles’s eyes softened at the sight of Letty’s scowl.

“Sorry. Continue…”

“So naturally, signing a NDA… I expected to see my fair share of ugliness…”

Addison Kline's books