Miles Away (Carrion #1)

An executive decision… by a couple of underling douchebags! Not my Letty. Not on my watch.

“Letty,” the name escaped Miles’s lips as his eyes met his father’s. “If she is hurt, you’ll be kissing the fuckin’ sky a lot sooner than expected! You can count on that, old man! Pick one of them,” Miles pointed angrily to his brothers as he shot up out of his chair. Throwing the phone back down on the desk, he yelled at his father, “I ain’t about this shit anymore!”

Before Michael could even attempt to stop Miles or get a word in edge wise, Miles had bolted from the war room, his car keys in hand, ready to handle the business that had presented itself.


IT WAS A COOL EVENING and the market wasn’t far, so Letty decided to walk. She tried to shake the worry that was induced by Landon’s text message. The war room. It was a locked, soundproof circular office where the Capadonnos talked business. Letty knew that Miles didn’t trust his family at all. Quite frankly, neither did she. The fact that they had Miles in the war room was enough to send Letty into hysterics. Miles was smart, though. He knew how to operate around his family—he kept his secrets close, his enemies closer and he wore a good mask to keep people fooled. Walking down the sidewalk on Piney Street, dead leaves crunched under Letty’s feet. Carrion was a beautiful town with a really ugly past. Letty had thought about moving many times, but everything and everyone she loves is in Carrion. Now with Miles home, the struggle whether to stay or go was very real.

A street lamp flickered overhead as Letty passed by Tia Marie’s Italian restaurant. Peering inside the window, she recognized plenty of the faces. Associates of Michael’s sat at the table nearest the window, enjoying their dinner and the conversation that the evening provided. Smiling at the doorman Derrick, Letty waved. They had went to high school together. Moving on down Piney Street, it was a pleasant walk.

In Carrion, nobody really bothers you unless you get on the wrong side of Michael Capadonno. Fortunately, that isn’t a problem I have. At least I don’t think so.

Letty stood at the stoplight at Piney Street and Mulberry Avenue as she waited for the light to turn green. Out of the corner of her eyes, she watched as an old black Cadillac town car pulled up. It felt like time had stalled. Letty watched as Dante and the Fish strolled past—eyes fixated on her. Letty’s chest panged with fear as her pace quickened along the sidewalk. Her shadow flashed across the wall of Litman’s Barber Shop as Letty began to run from the approaching vehicle. A terrible screech sounded as the wheels of the caddy came to a grinding halt. The car was coming right at Letty, wheels spinning at the last minute, pinning her against the wall of the Barber Shop.

“Leave me alone!” Letty screamed as she reached into her boot for her knife.

Fish emerged from the car with a twisted smile on his face, with Dante quick on his heels. Glowering at Letty, they were both chomping at the bit for a taste of blood.

I’m in a panic. I have nowhere to go. There’s nothing to do but fight like hell.

Bracing herself for the attack, Letty took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself to plunge the knife into Fish’s throat. But as Fish’s shoes stepped onto the pavement, a terrible noise roared down Piney Street. Immediately, Letty recognize the sound.

“Corina…” Letty whispered breathily as her eyes widened in surprise.

Letty heard the engine before she saw the sexy as sin vintage car. Letty’s heart raced as the sound got closer, just knowing that Corina would bring her guy in tow. Ripping around the corner of Mulberry Avenue, Miles looked furious behind the wheel of his black Charger, zoning his eyes in on Dante and the Fish. Sticking his arm out the car window, Miles raised his shooting hand and popped two caps, interrupting the seemingly, peaceful evening. In reality, there was no such thing as a peaceful evening in Carrion.

Pop! Pop!

Fish caught a bullet in the shoulder, falling at Letty’s feet, the other hitting the dirt of a flower bed outside the La Fortuna nightclub. As Miles emerged from the car with a pair of Berettas in his hands, Dante began to flee up Piney Street. Glancing behind him as he booked up the street, Dante had a look of pure terror on his face. That was nothing compared to the fury that permeated from Miles’s eyes. He always was a force to be reckoned with. Dante could run all he wanted, Letty knew he wouldn’t get far, though. Opening fire in the middle of the road, Miles lodged a bullet in the back of Dante’s leg. Fish squirmed as Miles approached, desperate to get to his feet before Miles could inflict even more damage.

Staring at him with wide eyes, Letty was stunned to see how ballsy Miles had gotten.

In a deep voice full of worry, Miles ordered, “Get in the car, Letty. Hurry…” His voice was like velvet, but it had a dangerous edge to it.

Addison Kline's books