Miles Away (Carrion #1)

A lot of men have something to say about a plus-sized woman. They might think curves aren’t sexy. I beg to fucking differ. Letty has curves for days.

Running his hand across Letty’s stomach and up her back, Miles’s eyes fell upon her ample breasts that threatened to break free of her black lacy bra. Biting his bottom lip, Miles took in the sight before him.

Letty’s extra curves, they make me hard just thinking about her. Fuck. Me.

The radio switched tracks as Letty began to sway her hips over Miles, never breaking eye contact. That’s when their song began to play.

It was a song that so perfectly evoked the passion of our youth and the rekindled inferno that takes hold of us now. I’m On Fire, a song by the Boss that I often feel like he wrote just for me and Letty, wails from the speakers as Letty runs her bra straps down her arms. She is tempting a man that doesn’t need to be tempted. She is baiting me out of the cage I have placed myself in. I want her in a bed. I want to give her the fucking romance she deserves. But here she is reminding me, that that just wasn’t our style. As the lyrics fall off my tongue, I aim to remind Letty what it felt like to be my girl.

Rushing his hands up her back as his mouth met her stomach, Miles kissed her, his tongue running up her side. Teeth clenched onto the lace of her bra, Miles unclasped her bra with one hand, and tugged on the waistband of her jeans with the other.

In a raspy voice Miles asked, “Are you sure?”

Letty laughed as she brought her mouth to Miles’s ear. In a seductive whisper she replied, “I think you’ve made me wait long enough…”

Not waiting a second more, Letty tugged on Miles’s jeans. Slipping her hand into his pants, Miles groaned as she wrapped her hand around his shaft. As Miles gave himself over to the beast that yearned inside, he reclaimed the only woman he ever loved. As Letty rocked Miles back and forth between ecstasy and agony, beauty and pain, Miles broke free of his mental prison and experienced a rebirth of his own.

Holy shit, I am on fire… and Letty holds the match.

Sealing their encounter with a soft kiss, Letty fell onto Miles’s chest, her heart hammering against his own.

In nothing more than a whisper, she demanded, “Don’t you ever leave my side again…”

Holding her face in his hands, Miles laid his lips on her cheek, leaving her the softest of kisses.

“You know I won’t…” Miles whispered back, his voice sounding rough against her ear.

Her smile faded a little as a thought seemed to take over her mind. Her eyes had a faraway look as Miles peered down at Letty.

“What is it?” Miles asked, tilting her head up to him.

“Can I ask you a question?” Letty asked as she looked up at Miles with wide eyes.

“Well… yeah…” Miles stammered.

She caught me off guard. I’m not sure I like the look in her eyes. My stomach pangs with worry.

“You love me right?” Letty asked, staring up at Miles with an intensity he had yet to experience.

“You know I do. More than I can express.”

Letty moved her hair off her shoulder and glared at Miles with the fury of a thousand suns.

“Then how come, in the seventeen years that you were gone, I never received a single letter from you?”

Letty’s eyes were full of pain as she looked at Miles. He didn’t speak for a moment. It felt like someone had taken a rusted blade and jammed it right in his windpipe.

“What do you mean? I wrote you every week. Every single week. There were hundreds of letters.”

“Hundreds,” Letty said in a voice of total disbelief.

“Yes. I never stopped writing you. Even though I thought you were ignoring me. I never stopped. I’m a man of my word.”

“Miles, I never got a single one.”

The gears in Letty’s head were grinding as she observed the expression on Miles’s face.

“Does anyone still live at 201 Mulberry Terrace, Carrion, NJ 07642?” Miles asked with alarm in his voice.

“Yes…” Letty said, her voice trailing off as a look of recognition took over her eyes.

“Your dad,” Miles suggested.

Letty shook her head as rage coursed through her body. “Just wait ’til I get a hold of him…”


MICHAEL CAPADONNO shook his head as he dismissed Knox and Dustin from his chambers.

“Go on. Get out of here. I’ll let you know when I’ve made a decision… I’ve got business to tend to,” Michael spat as Dustin and Knox exchanged wary glances.

“You need to go lie down,” Knox suggested as his father took a swig of an amber-colored liquid that swirled in his tumbler.

“I’ll do whatever the hell I please,” Michael yelled. “Now go…”

From behind them, the door of the war room swung open, as three tall men strode through, clad head to toe in black suits. They had serious looks upon their faces, and didn’t appear to be in the mood for pleasantries.

“Ah! Silvio, Antonio, Johnny…” Michael said as he greeted his associates.

Addison Kline's books