Miles Away (Carrion #1)

“I ain’t scared!” Anthony declared as he stared up at Michael.

With a dark look setting in his eyes, Michael glared back at Anthony and said, “Maybe you should be.”

“What’s the game plan, then, boss?” Big Bang asked.

“Well… Ruin owed me a favor. Him and an associate are out running interference ’til we figure out what the fuck is going on. In the meantime somebody go find Fish and Dante, they need to be dealt with. Tell everybody to be here at midnight. This can’t wait anymore.”

“Did you decide on your appointment?”


“Yeah, who’s gonna sit in your chair?” Big Bang asked. He thought that’s what this little gathering was all about.

“Oh, yeah,” Michael said as he took a puff of his cigar. Blowing a smoke screen in his men’s faces, Michael replied, “I’ve got that all figured out.”


“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT all about?” Letty demanded to know as Miles lowered himself into the car. Her eyes were wide as she stared up at Miles waiting for an answer.

“Nothing, Letty. Please don’t worry,” Miles said, dismissing Letty’s concerns.

Holding up a hand, Letty wasn’t trying to hear “nothing.” She knew what nothing meant when spoken by a Capadonno.

“Be straight up with me, Miles. That’s the only way this is gonna work,” Letty said, her eyes snapped on Miles’s face.

Damn, she looks pissed.

Miles released a heavy sigh as he stared back at Letty. He knew she was right. Nodding in understanding, a conflicted look crossed Miles’s face.

As his brow furrowed, Miles replied, “The vultures of Carrion are getting hungry.”

Giving Letty a look of uncertainty, Miles searched her eyes for any flicker of fear. He found none. Instead, Letty’s eyes grew shrewd and determined. Twisting her fingers into Miles’s beard, she tugged Miles down to her level.

With a raised eyebrow, Letty said in a stern voice, “Let them starve. You’re mine and no one is taking you away again.”

Reaching up his hand to her arm, he stroked the fabric of her sweater gently.

“Don’t worry, Letty, I ain’t going anywhere.”

Releasing her hold on Miles’s beard, Letty smiled faintly, feeling somewhat relieved. Slapping Miles on his thigh, Letty exclaimed, “Good! Now let’s go pick up G.”

Miles gulped a bit every time he heard Letty mention the name G. He didn’t know who G was, or how G would affect the dynamic of their relationship.

“Okay…” Miles said sheepishly. “Tell me where I’m going.”

“217 Evergreen Terrace.”

Flicking on the radio, “Thunder Road” blared from the speakers as Miles hit the gas pedal. Maneuvering the tiny streets of Carrion, Miles could feel his stress levels rising. Not because of the Capadonno crime family breathing down his neck. No. That he could handle any day of the week. Miles was certain that he had a handle on the family situation. The thing that was causing Miles’s anxiety level to spike was this G character. Miles’s thoughts were running at warp speed.

What if she was spoken for? What if G was a jealous ex? What was so fucking important about G, anyway?

Miles continued to wage war in his head. He fought to come to a conclusion that would satisfy the nagging worry that plagued his mind.

Dude, she said she loves you. She just banged you in the car, and told you not to ever leave her again. You’re snappin’ out! Breathe. Just fucking breathe. Everything will be fine.

“Here we are,” Letty said as they pulled up to 217 Evergreen Terrace.

Glancing out his window at the property, Miles wondered what it would be like to live in a house like that. With a white picket fence, a wrap-around porch, and a vegetable garden in the front yard, 217 Evergreen Terrace was a little slice of American pie. Miles’s eyes lingered over the blue house, curious as to who lived inside.

“Nice house,” Miles said as he broke his gaze from the property.

“Thanks,” Letty said as she prepared to climb out of the car.

When she saw Miles wasn’t following, she called back into the car window, “C’mon! Come meet G!”

Doing as he was told, Miles climbed out of the car and followed Letty up the stone garden path. Letty unzipped her purse and proceeded to shuffle through her bag for her keys. Finally pulling them out, her large ring of keys jingled as she climbed up the porch steps. Quickly, Letty navigated her way through the lines of potted plants that sat neatly on the steps as she approached the front door.

“You live here?” Miles asked in a bewildered voice as he cut through the garden.

“Yup,” Letty replied with a proud smile. “Home sweet home. I just paid it off last month.”

Addison Kline's books