Miles Away (Carrion #1)

“Nobody told me you were getting out today,” Dustin said as he gave his father a heated glare.

I like Dustin. He’s the one brother I don’t really have to try with. We can have a drink, shoot the shit and naturally have a good time. Don’t get me wrong, Landon’s a cool kid, he’s just a little wet behind the ears. I don’t want to be the one to corrupt him.

A deep voice cleared his throat behind Miles. Miles’s head pivoted to the source of the noise, leaving him face to face with Knox. Miles met his cool stare for not more than a nanosecond. That’s all it took. Miles’s stomach soured at the sight of Knox’s smug face. Miles glared at him, throwing Knox some serious shade. It took all the power Miles could muster not to throttle himself at the bastard and beat Knox within an inch of his life.

I won’t kill him. He might prove useful later.

“Really, Miles… Still?” Knox asked, trying to sound reasonable.

Hearing his voice does nothing to alleviate my temper.

Miles glared at him, giving him the courtesy of his hardened stare as rage coursed through his body. Watching Knox sit there in his designer threads, his smug look taunting Miles into throwing all rationale to the wind.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much time has passed. Sometimes a voice or a phrase or a facial expression can bring back all the pain from long ago. The sound of Knox’s voice, regardless of the words he’s saying, is enough to set me spiraling out of control. Knox awakens the fury in me just by smiling at me.

Closing the gap between them, Miles walked towards Knox, his boots echoing throughout the room. Knox’s smug look faded as Miles stared down at him, his blood boiling with putrid rage.

“Feeling brave?” Knox asked with a cruel hilt to his stare.

“You got something you wanna say?” Miles asked, not backing down from him.

The loud-mouthed kid I remember is now a poised, high-powered DA fuckwad who is pissing off the wrong dude. I won’t take his bait but I sure as fuck am not backing down either.

Standing over Knox in his chair, Miles continued to size his brother up with calculating eyes.

“Whatsamatter, Miles, cat got your tongue?” Knox asked, a devious twinkle in his eyes catching Miles’s attention. “Or are you just a little *?”

Now he did it. I was trying to be cool about this. I didn’t want to have to fuck up his pretty face, but the fucker pissed me off.

“I’m gonna tell you this once and only once. Keep my name out of your cocksuckin’ mouth! Stay away from my girl and don’t pull any of your wayward bullshit with me!”

Knox was blindsided with shock.

“What the fu—” Knox began.

“After the shit you pulled?” Miles screamed, letting his temper hang all out. Pointing in Knox’s face, Miles screamed, “You’re DEAD to me!”

“Mi—” Knox began but he was quickly cut off.

That fucker isn’t interrupting my tirade.


“Oh, here we go. Ring-side seats for the showdown of the century,” Michael said with a laugh.

I’m glad he finds this shit amusing.

“Miles, calm down,” Sasha pleaded.

“Dude, it’s not worth it,” Landon begged Miles with a desperate look on his face.

“It’s about time somebody put this douche in his place! This is great!” Dustin yelled. “Whoop!”

Knox ignored the peanut gallery and gave Miles a slice of attitude back.

“I would think seventeen years in Philly’s toughest jail would’ve mellowed you out some! I figured it would at least made you see things differently but I guess it’s true. Sometimes even the dumbest criminals can’t be rehabilitated,” Knox said.

This creep is begging for his head to be knocked off.

“You can’t just play everybody you meet and not expect people to get pissed off, Knox!” Miles spat back.

I’m trying to refrain myself. Truly, I am. I know he’s going to find that button and he’s going to jab his finger in it.

Knox smirked ignorantly at Miles as he adjusted his silk tie. Adjusting himself in his chair, Knox looked like he was preparing to walk into a courtroom rather than a dispute with his brother. In a cool voice, Knox said with a hilt to his gaze, “If you ask me, you got exactly what was comin’ to you.”

In a flash, Knox had unraveled my cool.

Before even Miles truly comprehended what was happening, his fist was hurtling towards Knox’s smug face at breakneck speed. Before his brothers could stop him, Miles’s knuckles had crunched hard against Knox’s nose, rebreaking it, and effectively wiping his cocky look clear off of his face.

That’s right, bitch. Broke your nose again.

“What the FUCK!” Knox screamed as blood gushed from his noise. Crimson dripped onto his designer suit. He grabbed his nose as blood covered his hand.

“You son of a BITCH!” Knox screamed.

“Yup. You got that right,” Miles said with a laugh as he drilled a glare back to his father.

“Don’t talk about your motha’ like that!” Michael said, cracking a joke.

Addison Kline's books