Miles Away (Carrion #1)

Looking at the old man, Miles winked and replied, “I was talking about you.”

A cruel look overcame Michael’s charming smile as he peered back at Miles.

“Ah… the prodigal son is home,” Michael said as he glared up at Miles. Michael rose from his hospital bed with a laugh ripping from his mouth. “Sasha… Landon… please excuse us. Your brothers and I need to have a conversation.”

Here we go. Moment of truth. Time to tell the old man where he can shove his holy war.

“To the war room, gentlemen.”

Rising from his chair, Knox gave Miles a hostile glare as they followed their father from the room.

“Dickhead,” Knox spat at Miles.

“Ouch. Is that the best you can do?” Miles said, feigning offense.

“Damn, Knox… You’re fucking bleeding on the floor!” Dustin complained.

Traveling in a pack down the long hallway, the men headed towards the winding staircase. A nagging feeling in the pit of Miles’s stomach twisted as he moved closer to the staircase that led to Michael Capadonno’s private wing of the house. Two men clad in elegant black suits stood at the foot of the staircase. They stood straight as arrows as the Capadonno men approached. Each nodded at Michael Capadonno as he passed through, but their eyes scrutinized his sons very carefully, especially Miles.

The house looks exactly as I remember it. The interior is obnoxiously decadent with fixtures you’d more likely see in a museum than a residential home. Cracking my neck as I follow behind the old man, I can’t help but notice that he’s a ghost of the man he once was… It doesn’t mean that he isn’t dangerous though. Cutting through the dark hallway, my mind wanders to the army of associates that the Capadonnos have. Those that were loyal to Uncle Sonny would follow my father’s lead. Michael Capadonno was Sonny’s right-hand man, his enforcer, and naturally, the only man Uncle Sonny would trust to get the job done. Even on his death bed. It all makes perfect sense now. A lot of people would discredit my father in the state that he’s in. I’m no idiot though. Being his kid, I know all too well the depravity that roams in that man’s twisted mind. The bastard is nothing more than a high-functioning psychopath with a quick wit, charming smile and a flock of heathens ready to carry out his commands.

As Miles and Knox followed Michael and Dustin up the staircase, Sasha and Landon followed quickly behind, giving each other looks of trepidation. As Miles passed through, the guards closed the gap, preventing Sasha and Landon from following. Landon Capadonno was not a sworn associate. Although all men with Capadonno blood flowing through their veins were considered full members at birth, Landon had escaped the same fate as his brothers. Sasha enjoyed the protection that her father’s men provided, and as a result, was kept out from the dialogue and activities that occurred in the war room.

I know exactly what I’m walking into. It might not be tonight, but eventually… a blood bath would ensue.

Climbing the back staircase, Miles’s head pounded as they alighted to the second floor.

“Pops! Do ya gotta do this now?” Landon yelled up the stairwell past the men. One of the men took out a gun, and pressed his hand firmly onto Landon’s chest.

Landon ignored the man and yelled, “I wanted to take Miles out. For some fun!”

The kid isn’t dumb. His eyes had seen more than his lips would ever admit. He knows the type of activities that take place inside the war room. Landon Capadonno could be a formidable ally or a treacherous foe. It’s a good thing I know which side of the fence his loyalties fall on.

Turning around, Miles gave the kid a nod.

“Raincheck, bud. Okay?” Miles said with a kind smile. He didn’t want Landon to worry.

“But, Miles…” he began to protest.

Turning around and extending his hand over the guards’ shoulders, Miles grabbed Landon’s hand and squeezed it tight.

“It’s gon’ be all right, buddy. Relax.”

Knox glared at Miles a few steps up. Miles returned the gaze. They seemed to be coming to an understanding without even speaking a syllable.

The trouble with knowing someone too well, is that you can understand them without them uttering a word.

Addison Kline's books