Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

His eyes narrowed at her vulgarity, but she thought he might have liked it. “I can do that, Leah. I can do that.”

Then he crushed his mouth to hers, letting his hand skim down her body to grip her ass. She moaned and rocked into him, wanting more, needing more. He nipped at her lips, growling low so the vibrations went straight through her. His tongue slid along hers, then dominated, surprising the hell out of her.

Ryder was the quiet one. The one who held doors open and soothed and calmed.

Yet this Ryder…dear goddess. He rocked her world. And he’d only kissed her.

Could she call this just a kiss? She wrapped her arms around his waist, trying to pull him closer, but couldn’t stop moving her hands to get more of him. She might have been the one to say she wanted to go slow, but hell, she wasn’t sure if she could hold back.

Ryder pulled away and met her gaze. “We won’t go too far, but I need to touch you, Leah. Let me touch you.”

Instead of speaking, she took his hand and placed it on her collarbone where he’d had it before.

The gold in his eyes brightened and he licked his lips, placing his other hand on the other side. “I can do that,” he said slyly. He traced her skin with his calloused fingers then went lower. When he cupped her breasts, she pressed into him, her nipples hard pebbles against his palms. He squeezed and molded then lowered one of his hands even more, gently going over her belly.

She leaned against the wall, putting her palms flat against the surface to keep herself steady. Her knees were going weak, and she hadn’t even come yet.

And Ryder would make her come. She was sure of it.

When his fingers deftly went beneath the waistband of her leggings, she bit into her lip. He leaned forward and kissed her again, just as hard as before. He rocked into her, his hard cock pressing against her stomach.

When his fingertips brushed along her clit, she moaned into his mouth.

“That’s it, little witch. You’re so wet for me already. Ride my hand, Leah.”

She met his gaze and rocked. His fingers slowly teased her before sliding deep inside. She called out, arching her back as he fucked her with his fingers. When his thumb pressed against her clit, she went right over the edge, coming on his hand and almost falling. Ryder wrapped his arm around her waist and held her up, slowly helping her down from her peak as she tried to catch her breath.

When he removed his hand and brought his fingers to his lips, she almost came again. He licked each one, his gaze never leaving hers as he tasted her on his skin.

“Sweet,” he whispered gruffly. “So fucking sweet.”

She kissed his jaw, then kissed him again, rather than speaking. She wasn’t sure what she’d say anyway. She’d lost herself in him, and they both still had their clothes on. If she worked hard enough, she could separate sex and feelings, but she wasn’t sure she’d be able to.

The wolf wanted her. And now the man did, as well.

But they wouldn’t have her.

And she’d have to be okay with that. Because she couldn’t trust that her life would keep him safe as it was. It was good that they’d kept this with no promises. It was safer that way.

Only she wasn’t sure there was any form of safety anymore.

She’d probably made the worst mistake ever. Yet with Ryder’s arms around her and his lips on hers, she wasn’t sure she cared.

And that might cost both of them more than she’d thought possible.


Charlotte closed her eyes and tried not to cry. Again. She hated crying. She’d grown up knowing if she cried, she’d be punished. And when Ellie and Maddox had taken her in, they’d taught her that emotion was to be celebrated, something that one needed to thrive. Yet if she cried anymore about this particular issue, she’d lose herself.


What was wrong with her?

She should be happy. She should know that she was blessed.

She’d grown up with the Centrals, the daughter of the Alpha who had called for the demon and the sister of the following Alpha who had killed so many of those she loved. She knew she was tainted, knew she was scarred beyond measure, but did her best so others couldn’t see that.

Ellie and Maddox had saved her. They had become her parents and raised her, loving her with all of their hearts. She was a strong wolf, a strong woman, and one that could stand on her own and fight for her Pack.

And yet it was her wolf and her soul that ached.

Bram, the sexy, dark-skinned wolf who sat next to her was her mate. He was the one wolf in all the world that would complete her soul. If the world were perfect, he would take her into his arms and they would mate and make love, completing the mating bond until they both knew their fate was sealed and perfect.

Yet that hadn’t happened.

Bram was her mate.

She was his.

They both knew this. It wasn’t like Finn and Brynn where there had been something broken with Finn’s wolf.

Bram and Charlotte were each missing something.