Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

“Apparently, I pulled in the snow from around us and uh…melted it.” They’d purposely sat in a place without snow so they wouldn’t end up too cold and wet, but her powers had pulled on that water like nobody’s business.

“I didn’t know you could melt things,” Charlotte said as she came to their group. She sat down next to Leah after Leah had dried up the puddle for her.

“I can’t melt things, but I can change the physical state of anything made of water.”

“Good to know,” Brie put in then let out another sigh. “I see now why you said we shouldn’t join in today with the game,” she said to Brynn.

Brynn rubbed her hands together in glee. “Oh, yeah. I mean, we play along most times since it’s not a boys’ club by any means, but I knew they’d be shirtless today…and in the snow.” She let out another dreamy sigh. “Don’t you just love the way the steam comes off their skin like that?”

Leah’s mouth went dry as Ryder laughed at something Walker said. “Oh, yeah.”

“Things going well with you and Ryder, then?” Charlotte asked, her focus on Bram. “Or at least better?”

She felt the gazes of the other two women on her but tried to ignore it. “I think.” She pressed her lips together. “I don’t know if I’m ready to talk about it yet.”

“We’re here if you need us,” Brie said.

“Mating is hard,” Brynn put in, her voice a little sad. “Harder than it should be sometimes.” Brie took Brynn’s hand and the women shared a look Leah didn’t understand.

“We’re not going to bond,” Leah said, despite the fact that she’d just told them she wasn’t ready to talk about it. But she didn’t want the others to get the wrong impression. “That’s not in the cards for us.”

The other two frowned at her, and Charlotte squeezed her hand.

“It’s okay,” she lied. “Really. I’m here to help when the time comes, not to mate into the Pack. You know?” She blew out a breath. “Anyway, have you heard anything from the Coven yet?” A change of subject was in order, even if it wasn’t neatly done.

“No word,” Brie answered. “Gideon thinks they are planning something, but he doesn’t know what. It’s been quiet on all fronts for a while.”

“And that’s a bit scary,” Brynn put in. “The Redwoods are on edge.” Brynn had mated into the Redwoods since Finn was the Heir.

“The Talons, too,” Brie said. “Hence the football game. Though the women need to let off some steam, as well.”

Brynn smiled. “I’m sure most of us will be able to in a certain fashion.” The two women shared another look, and Leah met Charlotte’s gaze.

The other woman didn’t look sad at the fact that she wouldn’t be going home with one of the wolves playing ball. Instead, she rolled her eyes. Leah wasn’t sure what she’d be doing with Ryder once they were done with the game either.

Brynn let out a small growl as Finn hit the ground thanks to Mitchell. The Talon Beta just grinned at Brynn as he pulled Finn to his feet. Brynn stood up and raised her chin.

“Okay, so I’m still totally going to do my mate against a wall later, but now I want some blood.” With that, she ran onto the field and held out her arms. “I’m playing. Get over it.”

Leah just laughed as Brynn’s brothers begged for her to be on their team, rather than the Redwoods. Finn took away that choice by pulling her to his side, his hand on her ass, and kissed her firmly on the lips.

Brie stood up and rolled her shoulders. “I might be a submissive wolf, but I’m going to kick some ass.” She winked then ran over to her mate. Gideon, who had been holding the football because, of course, he was the quarterback, tossed the ball over his shoulder. Brandon caught it and laughed as Gideon gripped Brie’s hips and lifted her off her feet. He kissed her hard and kept his hand on her butt as he laughed at something his mate said.

Leah met Charlotte’s gaze and lifted her brows. “Should we?”

Charlotte just grinned and stood up, taking Leah’s hand in hers. “Let’s do it. But I’m going to kick your ass. Just saying.”

They ran onto the field and Leah couldn’t help but laugh. Ryder eyed her as she came to his side. He held out his hand and she took it, whatever tension she’d been holding onto about joining in on the game leaving her.

“Do you mind if I join?” she asked. She wasn’t Pack and not a shifter. These guys could hit hard, and even though Brie was a submissive wolf, she was still much stronger than Leah.

“I don’t mind at all,” Ryder said. He studied her face. “We won’t tackle you.”

Max, Ryder’s cousin, grinned as he came to Ryder’s side. The other wolf made her smile every time she saw him. She couldn’t help it. He was just so…happy.

“Well, we won’t tackle you. Ryder might.” He winked, and Leah just rolled her eyes.

Ryder let out a growl and kicked out, knocking his cousin behind the knees. Max hit the ground on his side, but only laughed.

“Enough fun and games!” Gideon called out. “Let’s play!”

“Oh, yes, because us playing football isn’t fun at all,” Brie said dryly.