Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

Holy hell. She almost came at his words alone.

“Get on the edge of the bed and take off your panties. Slowly.”

He stood up as he spoke and worked on his pants.

“And what are you going to do when I take off my panties?” Even as she said it, she went to sit on the edge of the bed. She slowly slid her hands along her hips and around the edges of the lace, then even slower, slid them down her thighs, lifting her ass slightly so she could take them off.

His gaze was on her pussy, not her face, and she couldn’t help but feel empowered that she’d done that to him, this strong, quiet wolf.

Ryder shucked off his jeans and boxer briefs, leaving him naked and hard. His cock stood at attention, thick and long and so rigid that she was afraid he might come right then. Instead, he fisted himself, giving his dick a few quick thrusts as he licked his lips.

“All the way off, Leah. Now.”

She tossed her panties to the side, and feeling powerful, spread herself for him. He let out a groan and she slid her hand down her belly and over her clit.

“Like this?”

Ryder was on his knees in a flash, his face buried between her legs and his beard scraping along the skin of her inner thighs. He lapped at her, using his fingers to tease her until her body shook and she gasped for breath.

He growled low, the vibrations going straight to her clit, and she came, calling his name. Before she could blink, she was flat on her back and Ryder hovered above her. His condom-clad cock pressed against her opening as he stared intently into her eyes.

“You ready, little witch?”

“Goddess, yes.”

He smiled before thrusting hard. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she tried to call out his name but couldn’t formulate the word. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his biceps as he pounded into her, his cock stretching her yet relieving an ache she didn’t know she’d had.

Ryder kissed her then, bringing her back to him as he made love to her, hard, fast, and thrilling. Her breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples hard and aching. When she met his gaze, her heart pounding for more than one reason, he pulled out and gripped her hips. She felt empty at the loss but soon found herself on her stomach with her face practically pressed into the mattress as he fucked her from behind. Her toes barely reached the floor, but he kept her steady, pounding into her. She bit into the sheets so she wouldn’t call out, and her fingers gripped the cotton so hard she was afraid she’d tear it.

When he reached around and slid his fingers over her clit, she came again at his touch, this time with him as he filled the condom within her.

She came down from her high faster this time, aware she’d been thoroughly fucked and had come without looking at him—without him having to see her.

Leah knew why he’d done it. Not only had it been hot and an awesome position, but it had also kept a distance between them that was needed. He hadn’t looked at her when he’d come and she’d been grateful. Because if he had seen her as she’d come again, he’d have seen too much.

And she was afraid she might not have seen enough.

Chapter Eight

Ryder was a fucking idiot. He’d let his demons win, but there hadn’t been another option.

You’re nothing.

You’re tainted.

Ryder closed his eyes and let his uncle’s voice wash over him. The bastard had beaten him almost to death in life and now taunted him in death. One day, he might be able to push out the demons that plagued him, but he wasn’t sure he’d ever find the way. It wasn’t as if he knew of another wolf who had the same so-called powers as he did. As far as he knew, he was the only one.

That wasn’t all that uncommon, however. He knew of a few Redwood wolves who held special powers. Such as Bay Jamenson. She had the ability to glean the histories of certain objects just by her touch. She could actually see the past wrapped around a pocket watch or random antique. Her mating with Adam over thirty years ago had only heightened her senses.

And that was something Ryder couldn’t allow to happen.

If he were to mate with another, he might increase the number of voices he heard, or worse, intensify the voices’ power over him. He could even pass it on to his mate, as Maddox and Ellie had found out when the former Redwood Pack Omega mated with her.

He couldn’t allow Leah to lose any more of herself by mating with him.

Hence why Ryder was a fucking idiot.

He’d never felt as alive as when he was deep inside Leah, lying to himself that making love to her was only because of the need and not something more. When he’d been on top of her, sliding in and out and having to hold onto that bare thread of control, he’d felt his fangs elongate, ready to mark, ready to claim.