Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

She scowled. “It sure feels like it. I’m not going to allow that to be for nothing, though. I’ll help you protect your Pack. I have some power, enough that my father wanted me dead from birth. So I’ll do what I can to help you, even as I try to figure out what I’m doing.”

Ryder’s wolf let out a happy howl, but he didn’t let his face say anything. He’d claimed her in front of the Redwoods, his brother, and the witches, and she hadn’t said anything about it. He was giving her mixed signals, and yet, he didn’t care. He couldn’t think when there was so much going on, so much that could go wrong.

The first witch and wolf meeting had gone to hell, but they would figure it out.

There wasn’t another choice.

And it didn’t take seeing the dead for him to know that with one wrong move, all would be lost.

Chapter Six

“Is he staring?” Leah asked.

Charlotte’s eyes danced and she looked over Leah’s shoulder. “No, but he was earlier.”

So Ryder wasn’t looking at her, but he had been. That sounded about right. He kept changing his damn mind. First he’d pushed her away before he kissed her. Then he’d said he wouldn’t mate her, but damn well claimed her in the Coven meeting. She still wasn’t sure what that had meant or exactly what the others had thought, but it had meant something. She wasn’t Pack, but he’d still said she was his. Or, at least, theirs. It wasn’t as if she wanted to marry him and have his babies, but it would be nice if he would make his choice and stick to it.

She’d told herself years ago she wouldn’t have children and wouldn’t find a man to live her life with. She’d always thought her twin would be able to do that despite the danger, but that wasn’t for her. She hadn’t wanted her bloodline to continue with her, not with all the pain she’d lived with for so long.

But letting her hands run along that wolf’s body as they both panted with need wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Her cheeks heated, and Charlotte raised a brow at her.

“Interesting place your thoughts went, I would think.” She smiled and her whole face brightened. The woman was absolutely beautiful, though there was a sadness in her eyes that she couldn’t quite hide. Leah knew what Bram saw in the woman, though he, like Ryder, did his best not to stare for too long.

If Leah had planned to stay within the den for any amount of time, she might have asked Charlotte what the story was behind that, but she couldn’t. She didn’t know her future and what path she would take. Therefore, making friends and promises wasn’t for her. It hadn’t been the case for more years than she cared to count.

“Leah? Are you okay?”

Charlotte’s voice brought her out of her thoughts and she nodded. “Sorry, just woolgathering.”

The other woman’s head tilted. “Are you sure that’s it? You can talk to me, you know. I’m not an Omega or anything close to that, but I’m a good listener.” Her words echoed what she’d said at Roland’s gravesite, and Leah couldn’t take anything away from them but pure honesty.

“I…” She trailed off then tried to look casual as she glanced over her shoulder at Bram, Ryder, and Brandon.

Brandon had come over to Ryder’s that morning with coffee and pastries and, apparently, an agenda. The quiet Omega and his Heir brother had been in deep talks since they’d politely asked to speak privately. She didn’t feel slighted in the least, as she was the one intruding. She didn’t belong with the Talons, didn’t belong with anyone, and she knew that. Having two very handsome wolves ask for some space to work without her around wasn’t an insult. It was just life.

When Bram and Charlotte had shown up, it had been a surprise. Though not an unwelcome one, as Ryder had opened his home to the two. Bram had quickly joined in whatever conversation the other two men were having, and Charlotte had taken Leah aside to the living room, where they were now.

Any other time, Leah might have felt overwhelmed at the drastic changes in her life and the fact that she was now living with a wolf who wanted her, yet didn’t want to want her, as well as being surrounded by wolves who could kill her in an instant. They were that strong. It was only the pureness of their hearts and the integrity of their souls that led them down the path of humanity and away from depravity.

She wasn’t a pacifist, but she also preferred to use her words to fight rather than her magic. It just wasn’t in her as a water witch. Oh, she would try, and could even inflict some damage if she had to, but she tried not to.

And that wasn’t the way to survive on the run.

It had been Roland that saved her countless times because he could work past the inherent calmness of his powers. He had been the storm to her quiet lake.

And now he was gone, and she had to provide the waves.

Leah let out a breath, reaching out to grip Charlotte’s hand. The other woman had quietly waited while Leah tumbled through her thoughts.

“One day, I will be able to have a full conversation without getting lost within myself,” Leah said simply.