Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

Ryder’s nostrils flared, but again, he didn’t say anything.

“She had been having an affair with a witch who was already married. Of course, she hadn’t known that until it was too late. Witches do not live in dens, nor do they know all of each other as well as wolves seem to. She didn’t know this witch was on his way to becoming the leader of the Coven by using any means necessary. She didn’t know his wife was just as brutal with the ice in her veins as her husband was with his ability to drown others with just a thought. When my mother became pregnant, she was shunned, as I said. But that wasn’t all. The man who is my father by biology and nothing more did not have children with his wife. She couldn’t, you see. But that didn’t mean he wanted bastards running around with his blood in their veins. He was always afraid of what powers we could have. He is powerful. Oh so powerful. And he was afraid any child from his loins would be so formidable they’d overthrow him.” She paused. Took a breath. “I don’t know what decree he made exactly, but the result was my mother’s death. The humans may have killed my brother, but I wouldn’t put it past my father to have been the one to lead the way. I’ve been running all my life, Ryder. I’m tired. And yet, the world now knows witches are real and the Coven will want my head for more than one reason. I will have to face the Coven, Ryder. I will have to face my fate.”

Ryder stood up then. He took the four steps that separated them and stood right in front of her. When he cupped her face, she stopped breathing, rendered unable to think by his touch.

“They will not have you, Leah. One day I will tell you the story of the Alpha and Heir of the Pack before Gideon and me. I will tell you how they did the same thing to another woman as the Coven did to your mother. I was too young, too weak to protect that woman and her child, but I know them now. Know they are safe as Redwoods where they weren’t as Talons. We will not allow you…I will not allow you to be given up to the Coven like a sacrifice. We will work it out. I am meeting with the Coven in two days, and you will come with me. We will face this head-on.”

She sucked in a breath, her lungs burning. “Ryder…”

“They will not have you. Your father, if you can call him that, was the one in the wrong. He had no right to call upon your death, no matter what Coven decree he made. I don’t care what they think. As for what happened on camera? I was part of the Unveiling. I was one of the wolves who were shown to the world. And yet, I live. I will not allow you to be punished for others’ actions.”

“You can’t tell the Coven what to do, Ryder. It’s not that easy.”

“Then we’ll make it that easy.” His thumb brushed her cheek, sending shivers down her spine. “You deserve more than a life on the run, more than a Coven to punish you.” His voice lowered. “You deserve more than me.”

With that, he brushed his lips over hers, once, twice, in the gentlest of kisses. She closed her eyes, relishing the slight pressure of his lips to hers.

It was over before it had begun, but she knew that kiss had meant something.

Only it didn’t mean everything.

Because despite the fact that he’d kissed her; despite the fact that he’d promised he would protect her; she would have to protect herself. She wasn’t good enough for him, wasn’t his mate in truth.

She was just a witch with no home.

Forever alone.


Ryder closed his eyes and told himself he was ready for what was to come. It was only a meeting between two Packs and a Coven of witches that would set the tone for their relationship during a time of war and uncertainty.

Add in the fact that his wolf craved the woman at his side and that the woman came from a dark past of betrayal and abandonment tied to that exact Coven, and Ryder knew there were more questions than answers.

No pressure at all.

“I’m not trying to read your emotions, but you’re screaming them at me,” Brandon said from his side.

Ryder had heard his brother come to his side, of course, but he hadn’t said anything. There wasn’t much to say with everything going on in his mind. He didn’t particularly like Brandon’s powers as Omega. He wanted his emotions to remain his own, but he knew Brandon couldn’t control it.

“Unless I’m about to break down and tear off the Coven leader’s head, just ignore them.”

Brandon let out a sigh. “I can’t ignore it,” he said softly, almost a whisper. “I never can. Speaking of Coven leaders, are you going to be able to handle Leah at your side while you meet her father?”

Leah had told his family about her connections to the Coven the day before so there wouldn’t be any surprises. His siblings had taken it surprisingly well. Leah would be joining them for the meeting, not as a representative for the Talons, but as a guest who needed to be present because of what had brought her to their den in the first place.

Ryder hadn’t said Leah was his mate or that he’d rejected the mating urge and bond.