Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

Charlotte just smiled softly and shook her head. “You’ve been through a lot. I’m surprised you’re even out here and not wrapped in your quilt on your bed. Or perhaps in a bath?”

Leah smiled then. “I do love baths.” And Ryder had a beautiful claw foot tub in the master bathroom he had offered to her. She hadn’t taken him up on the offer yet, as she hadn’t wanted to take four hours in the bath when he might need something, but she would soon. Her powers demanded it.

“You know, there’s a lake on Talon land, I believe,” Charlotte added. She looked over Leah’s shoulder. “Ryder, is the lake within the den wards?”

The conversation at the dining room table stopped, and Leah turned as all three men looked over at them. Was it wrong that she heated up just at the thought of Ryder looking at her like that? Sure, the other two were attractive, but, apparently, all she wanted was Ryder.

Who wouldn’t take her for a mate.

But she didn’t want that, she reminded herself.

Ryder met Leah’s gaze and nodded. “It’s within the den wards.” He kept looking at her, though it had been Charlotte who’d posed the question. “I should have thought of that before. Do you need to recharge? I can take you to the lake tonight.”

“I’m fine for now,” she said honestly. She hadn’t used her powers, and since she’d been able to drink as much water as she wanted plus take long showers, she was fine. A natural lake would be amazing, but it wasn’t necessarily needed yet. “I don’t want to take you away from your duties or burden you.” She didn’t want to be anyone’s burden, least of all Ryder’s.

“You just tell me, and we will go.” He paused. “Or someone else can take you, of course. It doesn’t have to be me.”

So polite. So formal.

She honestly did not understand this wolf.

Nor did she understand herself recently.


“Let’s go for a walk,” Charlotte said suddenly. She stood and brought Leah with her. “We’ll let you guys talk Pack business or whatever is so interesting over there, and I’ll show Leah around.”

Ryder snorted. “You’re not a Talon, Charlotte. How are you going to show her around?”

Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Between Finn, Gina, and Brie, my family is slowly mating with all of you so much that I’m here just as much as I’m on Redwood land. If I get lost, I’ll call Brie.” She paused. “Unless you don’t want a Redwood and a lone witch walking around without supervision.”

Brandon sighed. “It’s not that.”

“Then what is it?” Leah asked. “Am I a prisoner here?” She couldn’t keep the bite out of her tone, and when Brandon sat back, she regretted it. He may not be able to feel her emotions because she wasn’t Pack, but he could feel Ryder’s.

She kept messing up, and yet because she didn’t know where she stood, she couldn’t find her balance. That needed to change. She wasn’t some weak-kneed girl who couldn’t breathe without fainting. And despite how she’d acted since she’d first come to the Talons over a week ago, she needed to show them who she was.

Ryder stood and made his way to her, a frown on his face. Leah took a deep breath, her heart racing, though she wasn’t sure why. He didn’t move to touch her, didn’t do anything but stand closer to her than was necessary for a mere acquaintance.

“You aren’t a prisoner. You were always able to leave when you wanted. However, you stayed. You stayed to grieve and to find your next step. Then, two days ago, you told us you would fight alongside us. Or at least stay by our sides as we protect our people. You might not have the bonds to become Pack, but that doesn’t mean you’re an outsider.”

She sighed. “There’s a reason I don’t have the bonds.” She hadn’t meant to say that.

He closed his eyes and his nostrils flared. “Leah.”

She held up her hands. “I didn’t mean that. Charlotte’s right. I need some air to clear my head. Go back to your conversation. You say I’m not a prisoner, so prove it.”

His jaw clenched. “I don’t want you hurt.” The words were ripped from him.

“Who would hurt me? I’m going to be in the middle of the den with your people. Are you saying your people don’t want me here?” She didn’t know why that hurt to think about. It wasn’t as if anyone had ever wanted her to be with them. She’d only had her mother and twin for so long, she should have been used to the rejections.

He stayed silent for so long, Leah was afraid she’d overstepped her bounds. But since she didn’t know her bounds to begin with, she wasn’t sure what to think.

“Just be careful.”

With that, he walked away, leaving Leah as confused as ever. Charlotte rolled her shoulders and took her hand, practically dragging her to the front door. When the door closed behind them, Charlotte let out a breath.

“I do not understand males.”

Leah snorted at that. “I never could in the past, and now that everything seems to have gone haywire, I definitely don’t now.”

Charlotte kept her hand in Leah’s and started walking down the path toward the center of the den. “I’m going to ask you something and I’m going to be blunt about it.”

Leah let out a breath. “How blunt?”