Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

With a slight nod, she replied, “I thought so, but I was holding out hope.”

“Let’s make sure to count out the pain med’s to ration between the three of you. William isn’t sure if his ankle is just badly sprained or if it is broken.”

She gave me a weak smile as I reached down for a bandage and began wrapping her wrist.

After making sure Nate and Tess were okay, I walked up to William. Bending down, I handed him the screwdriver he was blindly reaching for. “Tess and I found a few cases of bottled water along with some peanuts and bags of chips. Plus, I have some protein bars in my luggage we can divide up.”

He nodded. “Good.”

“How’s it going?” I asked.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, he shook his head. “The whole electrical system is fried.”

“Did you get any kind of a distress call out?”

“No. That’s the thing, that storm literally came out of nowhere and by the time I got the controls and was about to raise our altitude, we got struck by the lightning.”

Pushing my hand though my hair, I looked out over the vast desert. “Do you think I should leave and try to find help?”

“No. We stick together and all stay in one place.”

“How long before they spread their search area out?”

William looked up at me and then glanced over to Tess. With a frown, he motioned for me to get close to him. “Depends. I’d say it would take four to five days for them to get through the process of elimination. Then start gridding it out on where they think we might be. The problem is I glided down and we are a long ways off course.”

Closing my eyes, I mumbled. “Fuck.” Looking out into the vast area of nothing, I mindlessly said, “Taylor is probably freaking out.”


With a weak smile, I replied, “Fiancée.”

His eyes turned sad. “My wife is eight months pregnant and does not need this kind of stress.”

“Damn, dude.” Frowning, I placed my hand on his shoulder. “We’re getting out of here. Let me know what I can do to help fix this shit and call for help.”

With a wide grin, he glanced at Tess. “Let’s just hope Tess stays as positive. She looks scared to death.”

Turning over my shoulder, I watched as she helped Nate sit back in a seat. “Don’t worry about her. I’m sure Nate and I can keep her spirits up.”

I went to stand and William grabbed my arm. “Jase, even if you think we aren’t going to make it and I’m not saying that, but even if you doubt, don’t do that to Taylor.”

Looking at him with a confused expression, it dawned on me what he was saying. “Oh, hell no. I would never do anything to hurt Taylor. I think all Tess needs is a little attention . . . nothing grand and nothing that would lead her on.”

“Good. You had me worried there for a second with your comment about keeping her spirits up. I couldn’t help but notice how flirty she was with you before we took off.”

With a gruff chuckle, I headed over toward Tess and Nate.

After giving Nate an update on what William was doing, I told them both to turn off their cell phones. Tess asked if I could find something to build a fire with outside and she’d make coffee.

As we both walked outside, I really took Tess in. She was pretty. Older than me, probably closer to thirty. It was then I noticed the wedding band on her hand. I wonder how her husband would like to know how much she flirts?

“How long have you been married?” I asked as I headed over toward an area that had some brush. Beyond that about a mile was the tree line.

“Six years.”

“Wow! Kids?”

She let out a dry laugh. “God, no. He wants them, but he also wants a lot of other women and a divorce, so . . .”

“Damn, I’m sorry to hear that.”

With a shrug, she blew out a breath and pointed straight ahead. “Looks like the tree line is a good walk away. Should we grab something to put the wood in so we can carry it back? I would think we could be here at least a week while they expand the search areas.”

It was then I saw her in a totally different light. She was far from weak, and not on the verge of breaking down like I had thought earlier. Up in the plane we were all scared. Even with a broken wrist, she was ready to pitch in her weight.

“That’s a great idea, Tess. Let’s head back and find something.”

If we all stayed positive and rationed out what little food and water we had . . . we had a fighting chance.

I promise I’ll be home soon, Taylor. I promise.


The cool morning breeze felt good hitting my face. Last night was the first night I’d slept over four hours. I was beginning to feel the effects of lack of sleep, but I didn’t care. When I was awake, I could think about Jase. Pray God would keep him safe.

“Tay? You feel like company?”

Turning my head and looking up, I smiled at Meagan and Grace. “I’m not much company, but feel free to join me.”