Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

Shit started flying everywhere.

I caught Nate’s eyes and they said everything. Lifting his mask, he yelled, “William’s . . . trying to get us . . . into Wyoming. To find . . . a place to land.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Jase.”

I tried not to let Nate see the fear in my eyes as I snapped my head forward.

I was never going to see Taylor again.

This was it.

Our whole future flashed before my eyes as I tried like hell to take in air. My chest felt as if someone had set a hundred pound weight on it.

I brought my phone up and looked at the picture of Taylor while leaning back over.

Tears stung my eyes as I finally let them fall.

“I’m sorry, Taylor. I’m so sorry.”


“Meg, please. I don’t want to be in this store another second. The smell is making me sick! Plus, I have to get back to Bella.”

“I thought Colt was letting her out?”

I rolled my eyes. “Ugh. I’m going outside.”

Meagan had begged me to stop at some stupid bath bomb store. My nose and eyes were burning. I got that she was excited to get away for the afternoon and be on her own, but why at my expense?

Pulling my phone out, I looked at the time. Jase should be landing soon. My chest felt tight as the weirdest feeling came over me.

Meagan came out the door with a huge smile on her face holding up four bags. Not being able to hold it in, I laughed. “Holy crap. Did you buy enough for a year’s worth?”

She pinched her eyebrows together and looked at the bags. “I bought some for all the girls. Including you. It will do you good to sit in a hot bath and relax.”

We started toward the car and I couldn’t shake the weird feeling I had. Pushing it away, I tried to focus on Meagan going on and on about the sexy lingerie she bought for Grayson.

“He’s going to come just looking at me. I swear we haven’t had hot crazy sex in months. We are so overdue. Mom and Dad are watching the twins tomorrow night and I plan on being fucked six ways to Sunday.”

Snarling my lip, I made a gagging sound. “Gross. The image alone makes me want to hurl.”

Meagan bumped me with her shoulder and wiggled her eyebrows. “Don’t tell me you haven’t let that hotter-than-hot fiancé of yours have his wicked way with you.”

The heat instantly hit my cheeks as Meagan gasped. “Oh. My. God. My sweet little innocent sister is not so innocent anymore.”

Deciding to give her a taste of her medicine, I replied, “No, she is far from innocent.”

Meagan stopped walking. Glancing over my shoulder, I winked.

“Holy shit! Tay, what have you let that horny bastard do to you?”

I threw my head back and laughed. “So now he’s a horny bastard?”

“Well, yeah. I mean he’s doing the nasty with my baby sister.”

She walked up next to me as we walked into the parking garage. Before we got to the car, my phone went off.

Grabbing it, I smiled and showed Meagan the text from Jase.

Jase: I’ll love you forever, Taylor.

Pushing her finger into her mouth, she made a gagging sound.

“He must have landed.”

I hit his number. “That’s weird. It went straight to voicemail.”

“Maybe he sent that before he took off and it just came through.”

Staring down at my phone, I chewed on my lip. “Yeah. Maybe.”

When we pulled up to my place, Colt and Scott were sitting on the porch. An uneasy feeling quickly swept over my body.

Something was wrong.

“A welcome party!” Meagan said as she jumped out of the car and reached in the backseat for her damn bath bombs that stunk up my car.

I checked my phone again and still nothing from Jase. Calling again, it went to voicemail. My heart started pounding as I sat in the car with my hands trembling.

“Something’s wrong. He should have landed over an hour ago.”

My body went numb. I forced myself to get out of the car. I stopped dead in my tracks when Layton came walking out of the cabin.

Please don’t do this to me. Do not do this to me!

The thought of something happening to Jase hit me right in the chest as I felt my heart drop.

The look in Layton’s eyes told me everything I had feared was about to come true.

Meagan dropped her bags and quickly came back over to my side. “Taylor, baby, breathe for me.”

I hadn’t even been aware that I wasn’t breathing. “Wh-what’s happened? I had a feeling something happened.”

My eyes burned as I fought to hold my tears back. When Colt walked to the other side of me, I felt my legs go weak.

This is just a dream. It has to be a dream.

Layton walked up and stopped just in front of me.

“Taylor, sweetheart. I . . . I need to tell you something.”

Shaking my head frantically, I mumbled, “No. Please don’t, Layton.” My chin trembled as I repeated my plea. “Please don’t.”